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by GiGi
E-mail turninginward@telus.net
pdf for printing of Hand Painted Silks
Last year, after having been encouraged for almost 2 years by Earth and the Tao,
I began to paint on Silk. I had worked with Oil and Acrylic a fair bit, but was still very shy in regards to anything that had low viscosity, or in other words, too much “Fluidity”.
With determination, I managed to complete 3 silk paintings in time for Big Sky 2007 International Ascension Conference. Much to my surprise, all 3 sold.
During that International Ascension Conference, the clutch broke down on our truck. This could have been a bad situation, but it quickly turned into Good Karma. With Earth’s suggestion, we were able to pre-sell paintings on Carmen Escobar’s plant dyed silks at the event and raise enough money to repair our truck for the drive back home to Canada. Thank you Carmen and the Plant Kingdoms for Co-Creating such beautiful scarves to paint on!
Now 8 months later, I have completed and mailed out all 13 pieces to the kind and gentle folks who patiently waited for them. What I did not realise at the time that I wrote down each individual order, was how much of a Blessing the “broken clutch” would become.
As I worked on each piece, one at a time, I began to see how much can be accomplished when one works in a Holographic way. It has not been easy, but it has been rewarding. The process of completing these pieces was often “interrupted” or “delayed”, but this quickly became part of my lessons on how to Retrieve and Reweave my Dream.
Every time I was able to sit down and paint, sometimes at the end of a difficult day at work, all I needed to do was Commune with the Nature Kingdoms and Blessings of Love would Flow back and forth between us.
It has been very Healing for me to work in this way. I have learned to Co-Create in agreements of Harmlessness with the Nature Kingdoms.
I Hope that the pieces I have created thus far have brought Blessings and Joy to those who have requested them and I thank you for the opportunity.
Featured below are the completed pieces I was able to photograph along the way. I Hope to continue with this and I Intend that one day it will become my means of Sovereign income. I have included suggested sizes and donations at the end of the images for those who might feel guided to commission a painting. Also, please refer to the Nature Articles section on the SSOA web site for more information on the Blessings offered by the Nature Kingdoms at this time of ascension home to the Tao.
Blessings and Love,
Paintings on
Carmen's Plant Dyed Silks
Paintings on Silk Charmeuse
Suggested Donations for Hand Painted Scarves or Banners:
Wrap Around Scarves:
One Nature Kingdom and Tones: $75.00
Two Nature Kingdoms or Images of same Kingdom: $100.00
24” x 24” Square or Rounded Banner with One Nature Kingdom
and Tones: $150.00
$25.00 per additional square foot
$25.00 per additional Nature Kingdom
Donations may vary based on Balanced Giving and Receiving!
Please email GiGi at: turninginward@telus.net
Copyright © 2008 Brigitte Rondeau