The Nature of SynthesisSynthesis Meditation
We are guided to address a global and personal shift that is
occurring in those whom are ascending at this time in history.
This shift effects the very nature that energy is held upon earth
between all species. This shift has been called "synthesis",
as this is the closest word in the English language that defines
the nature of the new energetic flow upon earth. This new energy
flow is now occurring in all human, plant, animal, mineral, dolphin
and whale auric fields, subtle bodies, chakras and meridian systems,
along with the energy that surrounds the consensus reality known
as earth as a whole.
Synthesis is not really a new manner of holding energy, but rather an old manner that was lost over time in Earth's history. As enough of the karma for earth's many falls in vibration and consciousness has been pieced together, the remembrance of another manner in which the energy flowed upon Earth has likewise been recovered. We have written of how Earth has recently entered a state of "unity" in which all species have united in a new consensus reality to ascend. Synthesis is the manner in which unity is anchored upon Earth.
does synthesis look like? It is our goal here to describe synthesis
for the purposes of those that wish to intend their own field
into a like manner of energy flow. The synthesis of Earth is
held in two manners. The first form of synthesis is like the
layers of an onion. Beginning the aurora of Earth, which is the
sun in the center of Earth that creates what are known as the
Northern Lights at certain times of the year, is the first layer
and densest layer of all tones of creation. Such tones begin
with the first note on the scale of the Language of Light, which
is forgiveness and is all shades of pink. (See "Language
of Light" upon our web site for more information.)
The second layer is the note structure, or the second symbol of the Language of Light which are all shades of lavender. The third layer is the tone known as power, which are all shades of peach. And the layers go out the symbols, first with all 48 single tones represented, then with all 48 dual tones represented, and then all 48 tri-tones represented, and later all 48 quad tones. Such layers run into one another and create a rainbow of pastels that are most magnificent that now extend from Earth to all sectors of your Universe which includes the 6 Pleiadian star systems.
Much as the human auric field expands to be global in size by attainment of Initiation 1024, earth's auric field became Universal in size as she attained Initiation 1024 in her global ascension in recent months. Additionally, every chakra related to earth rotates in a triple circle pattern, each of which holds the same rainbow of tones or Language of Light just like Earth as a whole.
is a second form of synthesis surrounding Earth that runs vertically
rather than horizontally. The vertical form of synthesis shoots
straight into the air from the center of the Earth extending
all the way to the outermost edges of her auric field and the
Pleiadian star system. This form of synthesis also creates a
rainbow of colors from densest to lightest that embraces all
of Earth and her entire auric field with the Language of Light
tones. This second form of synthesis is also present in each
of her major and minor chakra system in addition to the first
form of synthesis.
In a parallel manner, the new manner in which the Language of Light is held in any ascending auric field is a combination of these two forms of synthesis. This includes the synthesis of the molecular structure, minor chakras throughout the meridians of the etheric body, the major chakra centers in the form, along with the global sized chakras of those whom have embodied 1800 or higher in their personal ascension.
1800 strands of DNA is the bare minimum of initiation required upon a biological level for any species to begin the process of synthesis in one's personal evolution. The reasons for this are simple, one must have embodied a minimum of the first two octaves of the Language of Light or symbols 1 through 20, in order to have enough of the tones of creation necessary to synthesize the field in full. (See "Utilizing the Language of Light to Ascend" for more information.)
Synthesis offers many gifts that holding energy in another manner does not offer. For one, as one aligns all notes upon the scale to create a rainbow, there is no room for the "dark" to be present in the field. The "dark" is not be confused with the lowest notes within the Language of Light. Dark is equivalent to energy that has ceased to move or moves so slow that the color that it appears as is black, brown, or dark gray in color within the auric field, chakras, subtle bodies or grid work.
As initiates ascend, the densest frequencies are transmuted to a point that there is nothing black, brown or gray in color in the auric field whatsoever. This however requires attaining a level of Full Consciousness or embracing 36,000 strands of DNA to accomplish in full. At 36,000, there is no longer such frequencies as gray, black or brown in the field or gridwork of the etheric body, only the tones of the Language of Light, including all single, dual, tri and quad tones. Until one reaches 36,000 in their evolution, there is always the next layer of density to be transmuted.
Black, brown and gray can be equated to the emotions of depression, pain, anger, fear, terror, greed and lust. Such emotions also cease to be the baseline from which one functions as the Language of Light is embodied in full. Additionally, it is the frequencies of black, brown and gray that attachment is rooted in, for all attachment is hooked into regions of the grid work that have ceased to move as energy. Black brown and gray are tones in which a very slow movement to no movement of energy at all is present. As the Language of Light is applied to the slower moving vibrations of black, brown and gray, they begin to move again and then the related attachment in the etheric grid work is released simultaneously.
As one synthesizes the field through intent, that which is the next layer of attachment to be released surfaces, and is forced out of one's field. In order to do this in full, all tones of creation must be present. Some initiates, in our experience, skip over certain tones. As a result, they may have missing gaps in the rainbow of frequencies in their field. When gaps are present, one also has the space for darkness and attachment to remain in the field. When attachment remains, and if one continues to ascend without releasing such attachment by continually skipping over the tones of creation, disease will develop in the form related to those pockets of density in the grid work that have not been fully transmuted.
It is these pockets of density and unreleased attachment that can create a case of cancer in one's ascension. Our channels have experienced this with several affiliates within their organization that attempted to ascend without releasing all attachment and skipping over the integration of all tones of creation necessary to ascend. In addition, in their own experience, attachment to their own school caused a case of cancer in 18 pockets of each of their forms to develop in this year past. The subsequent release of all attachment to their organization and the embracing of synthesis as the foundation of the school has allowed them to recover in full.
And so we say that it behooves all initiates to be diligent. The sequence in which the tones of creation have been laid out creates a scale. The scale of tones causes ascension. One must be thorough to assure that all tones, and all frequencies within each tone, are embodied in full before moving on to the next octave, or otherwise disease will manifest instead of one's ascension.
How does one know if they have embodied all tones? Muscle testing shall tell you. Each may go through the notes provided upon our channels' web site under the Language of Light and muscle test which tones one has only partially embraced. One may begin with the first 10 notes of the language of light to see if all 10 have been thoroughly embodied. If you muscle test that one or more tone is missing, either partially or entirely, then we guide initiates to intend to embody the missing tones.
Why does one skip over tones? Well, often there is difficult karma related to the embracing of a particular tone of creation within one's tapestry of ancestry. We will give you an example here to illustrate. One initiate currently in Lilliya's program was missing the 7th note of freedom. Upon examination of her records, there were three karmic episodes that caused her to push the octave of freedom from her field.
One was a life in ancient Rome as a slave. In the slave lifetime, her master, as a gift of many years of service offered this ancestor an opportunity to become free. This terrified her ancestor, to such a degree that the ancestor chose instead to remain as a slave through the remainder of this particular lifetime. In yet another lifetime, this initiate's ancestor was a Pharaoh's wife in ancient Egypt. The Pharaoh died at a young age, and both her and her two child were buried alive in a pyramid. This ancestor screamed and pounded the walls, and no one came. All three slowly starved to death over the course of a year. In the last lifetime, this initiate's ancestor was a hard working farmer. A drought occurred and the entire crop was lost, leaving the ancestor with nothing to eat and nothing to sell. The family struggled through the winter, but the master of the land imprisoned the farmer for the lack of back taxes. The farmer died of pneumonia in prison.
All three of these lifetimes contributed to the thought-form "There can be no freedom". As a result of such a belief, this initiate rejected the freedom vibration within the Language of Light. As this initiate went into all three of these life experiences, releasing the pain and remembrance of feeling "imprisoned", the language of light tone of "freedom" ceased to be rejected by her. As the tone of freedom was finally anchored in her grid work and field, the related attachment could now be released in full. For each language of light tone and the range of frequencies therein, is designed to release a specific type of attachment in the etheric body of an ascending form.
Ascension requires dedication and thoroughness. The lack of thoroughness will create an incomplete ascension that shall lead to disease or death instead of ascension. And so we guide initiates to pay attention, and to choose to embody all tones of creation necessary to ascend in full. It is only as all attachment is released that all cells within the form can become crystalline. Large pockets of attachment cause cells to remain in the old structure, and as everything else surrounding such pockets becomes crystalline, the differences in structure become incompatible leading to cancer.
What is cancer? Cancer is a cellular structure whose cell wall has become impermeable. Such a cell ceases to be fed or nourished and ceases to detoxify the toxins present. As the toxic waste builds up, the cell begins to die. As all cells surrounding a pocket of cells become crystalline, the crystalline cells have a different modality of being nourished and detoxified. It is the incompatibility of systems under such a circumstance that leads to the cancer.
Ascension is a biological act. One cannot ascend the field without ascending the form. Ascending the field without the form shall lead to disease for the above reason long before a successful ascension. One must therefore be thorough, allowing all parts of the form to transmute as necessary, and give the form every nutrient necessary to bring forth it's biological transmutation.
We have had many initiate's tell our channels "We don't want to gain weight! We don't want to grow!" Growth is fundamental to ascension for it is the human growth hormone that triggers the cellular structure to become crystalline. We therefore advise initiates that are so attached to the size and weight of their form to choose another spiritual path, for ascension requires altering the form. It is only in altering the form that a new level of consciousness can be expressed in the initiate's life experience, for consciousness is biological in the human dance.
We have expressed in recent materials how unity is a biological state of being. That a state of unity is entered into as the biology becomes unity based, with all cells equally fed, and all cells equally detoxified throughout the entire form. As this occurs, an ageless form with a long life span is the result, along with the ability to take one's ascension through the next phases of soul infusion and into the next dimension. Moving from a non-unity system to a unity based one requires that every cell come along for the ride. And the purpose of this material is to instill an understanding that diligence is required in the path of ascension, lest disease be the outcome in its place.
We offer the following meditation for synthesis. Such a meditation allows for the thorough embracing of all language of light tones within one's field up through one's current level of evolution.
We hope that you have enjoyed the meditation for synthesis. You may utilize this as many times per day as one wishes to clear the field. Know that synthesis shall trigger the next layer of issues, next layer of patterns to be released in one's ascension. If one has difficulty synthesizing, it is generally because there is one or more tone in the scale of the Language of Light being rejected from one's field. If this is the case, the simple intent to release all karma at cause of the rejection should rectify the situation.
It is through the act of synthesis that our channels are holding space at their annual International Ascension Conference for releasing all human karma for warfare. We invite you to join them if you feel so called from within.
Many blessings upon your continued journey.
The Earth Mother
The Source of All Sources