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Messages from the Earth Mother
For More Ascension Articles, please see Nature Articles or Transmissions
For The Latest Ascension Articles, please see Creating Community
For More Earth Mother Articles,
please see Messages from the Earth Mother II
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The Complete Ascension Workbook
A fully formatted 700 plus page workbook in pdf form with a complete graphics section for those devoted to mastering ascension in this lifetime as compiled by the Earth Mother through Lilliya
Messages from the Earth Mother
The Earth Mother Articles in a fully formatted color book available to print free of charge and share with those just awakening to the path of ascension. Note one must have Adobe Acrobat to download.
This section contains channeled materials from the consciousness of Earth, directed at those in human form whom are ascending at this time in history. This section is a good place for first time readers of the site wishing a basic understanding of the process of ascension to begin.
- The Symptoms of Ascension A Simple Definition of Ascension (04/27/00)
- Supporting the Human Form in Ascension Nutritional Suggestions and Guided Kundahlini Meditation (05/14/00)
- The Power of Your Intent How to Manifest in the New Paradigm of Unity (06/13/00)
- Following One's Own Truth in Ascension Change in Ascension, Tips for Muscle Testing (06/21/00)
- An Independence Day Blessing From Earth Mother and All That Is Blessings of Freedom and Interdependence (07/04/00)
- I Intend to Ascend The Nine Intents for Ascension, Guides for Staying Grounded, Tips for Detoxification (07/10/00)
- Holiday Blessings From The Earth Mother Blessings for Open the Heart and to Heal the Loneliness (11/24/00)
- A Christmas Gift Blessings of Abundance (12/3/00)
- The Nature of Synthesis Meditation to Synthesize the Field into a Rainbow of Tones (12/15/00)
- A New Years' Blessing Opening to the Dreamtime Planes that Surround You (12/21/00)
- Entering a State of Internal Well-Being Finding Heaven Within (1/9/2001)
The Charts:
The above Charts and Earth Mother Book are 'pdf' files and require the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader program or plug-in to view them.
The awakening of Lilliya began over a decade ago as she opened to her inner reality or the nonphysical dreamtime realms that surround the human species. She studied her own energetic changes in association with ascension, and over time opened to channel her soul, oversoul and source, the earth mother and nature kingdoms along with the Tao, a force that sits outside of time and space and form, to make information that each wished humanity to understand available to each who so chooses to study of our materials.
Ascension makes possible a new life to blossom that is disease free, pain free, and restores the ability for each to become the dreamer and the dream. Through ascension, one may learn to consciously dream weave and intend one's life, and then live to experience the life intended. This is the gift of ascension. It is Lilliya's greatest hope that more shall choose the spiritual path of ascension in this lifetime due to the gifts that this path makes possible for each. For more information about Lilliya, see "Consultations".
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