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About the Nature Tarot
Early in her ascension and spiritual awakening, Lilliya learned to work with the Tarot. She acquired many decks over the years, and would use spreads to draw attention to those patterns within herself requiring transcendence. She had herbal decks and feminist decks, and nature kingdom “medicine” decks. Over time she gave all of these away as for some reason they no longer resonated.
Several years ago the Language of Light Tarot was brought through and made available. This however lacked direction that would inspire transcendence from Lilliya’s point of view. And so the decision was made to create a new tarot suited to the principals of ascension that could be used with the Language of Light Tarot.
Nature stepped forward offering to assist by bringing forth a series of channeled materials that would hold unity based concepts and provide teachings that would inspire and educate initiates in the principals of unity, from which a new deck could be created. In early 2001, the Buffalo Species had brought forth a series of seven articles that many found inspirational upon the path of ascension. Buffalo chose to retain these articles as separate teachings. The pieces from Buffalo inspired another set of thirty-six channeled articles of shorter duration that began to come through in Fall of 2001 and are currently published in our "Inspirations from the Nature Kingdoms" series. These articles are the foundation of the Blessings from Nature Tarot.
The Blessings from Nature Tarot deck will not be like any other deck in the current human paradigm. This deck is a reflection of the unity-based concepts of the Language of Light. The deck builds in frequency from single tones, to dual tones, to tri tones in nature and depth of understanding. The Nature Kingdoms are holding space for human ascension, and provide the vibrations behind the Language of Light and the concepts explored within this Tarot. This deck will be of the greatest service to ascending humans for decades to come.
More recently there is also a new section coming through "Inspirations from Nature Kingdoms II" series that is incorporating the Language of ONE tones within the written materials. This allows the Blessings From Nature Tarot to evolve as those working with this deck continue to ascend.
We hope that you enjoy the Blessings from Nature Tarot and find great use for your own process of ascension.
Earth Mother
NOTE: The Earth Mother chooses to disseminate the Tarot Book information in an electronic-only format to prevent the further consumption of the tree kingdom through printed matter.
A special gift set containing both the Blessings from Nature Tarot and the Language of Light Tarot along with the meditation audio CD "Healing with Nature" is also available for a donation of $60.
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Blessings from Nature Tarot
and Language of Light Gift Set
The Blessings from Nature Tarot consists of 36 cards of the nature kingdoms that are holding the gate for human ascension through the new unity based astrology spoken of at length in our channeled materials. Included with this deck is 48 cards associated with the Language of Light Tarot. Over the years, each of these kingdoms has brought through articles in association with our Inspirations from the Nature Kingdoms section. Each kingdom is represented in this deck along with unity based thought-form associated with the single, dual and tri tone concepts of the Language of Light.
The Blessings from Nature Tarot is designed to be worked in tandem with the Language of Light Tarot, as the spreads call for the presence of both decks and sets of information to support one's personal transformation. The materials are designed for divination purposes and meditation upon one's own issues of transcendence in one's continued ascent, or for use in offering ascension guidance unto others. Special healing planes have been orchestrated in association to call into one's presence the nature kingdoms and earth mother to support one's healing and personal transformation.
Actual cards are 3.75 inches in diameter
THE BLESSINGS FROM NATURE TAROT includes 36 cards created from beautiful silk art of each nature kingdom and printed four color process two sides, and then die cut 3.75 inches round. The cards are contained in a beautiful velvet pouch.
THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT TAROT includes 48 cards that are the same size as the Blessings from Nature Tarot printed full color and die cut 3.75 inches round.
The CD Rom contains a 348 page Tarot Book in pdf form for printing or viewing upon one's computer, along with quick reference charts and other pertinent materials. The Tarot Book offers suggested spreads for use of the cards in divination or focus for meditation upon one's current life issues; or as a tool for offering readings to others. Also included is a graphics section with Language of Light information and full sized images of each glyph for printing or use in one's own designs.
The materials from the Inspirations from the Nature Kingdoms section are included in the Tarot Book with an indexed and hyperlinked table of contents. There is so much wisdom contained in this channeled information that it is our hope that the tarot book allows each to explore various ascension topics and the unique perspectives of the human plight offered by nature therein in greater ease.
Sample Tarot Spread using both the Blessings from Nature Tarot and Language of Light Tarot
A "Quick Reference Chart" is provided upon the CD Rom for easier reference during readings
ORDER FORMMastering Dream Weaving | Deep Healing | Healing the Heart | Healing with Nature
Mastering Intention | Mastering Harmony Within | Mastering Compassion
Nature and Language of Light Tarot | Complete Ascension Workbook | Complete Ascension Workbook II