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Mastering Compassion
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The Complete Ascension WorkbooK II
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This new workbook has been compiled by the Earth Mother and focuses upon the emotional issues required transcendence over to master Bodhisattva level evolution
Mastering Intention
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This new section offers another series of articles from the nature kingdoms exploring Language of ONE thought-form. Language of ONE symbols have made themselves known as crop circle formations around the globe. The crop circles are really consensus based geometrical patterns and language that is emanating unto earth via the star gates that she enters related to the Great Central Sun, some of which are captured upon farmlands.
It is the desire of the nature kingdoms supporting the new astrology of ascension to create another set of written materials supportive of learning Language of ONE algorithmic patterns. As the brain learns algorithmic patterns of the Language of ONE, a deeper level of unity will be understood, and then out of such understanding unity relations will be more greatly born in the dance of life amongst ascending initiates. It is as unity relations is born that over time that peace between humans, between nations and upon earth will become a living breathing reality.
From the Horse and Manta Ray Kingdoms The first new article in this section with Blessings for Becoming a Co-creator with the Earth Mother. (8/16/07)
From the Bear Kingdom Offering Blessings for Belonging unto Nature and the Earth Mother. (8/22/07)
From the Fox and Wild Pig Kingdoms Offering Blessings for Completion with the Past and Experiencing the Love of the Heart of the Tao. (8/25/07)
From the Giraffe and Seal Kingdoms Offering Blessings for Freedom in Dream Weaving and Connecting to the Tao Within. (11/15/07)
From the Dragon (Winged Lion) and Hippopotamus Kingdoms Offering Blessings for Releasing the Destructive Paradigm and Entering Tao Based Cycles and Time. (12/17/07)
From the Buffalo and Tuna Kingdoms Offering Blessings for Transcending Codependence and Embracing Oneness Perception. (04/27/08)
From the Hawk and Blue Heron Kingdoms Offering Blessings to Perceive the Bigger Picture (11/27/08)
From the Elephant and Walrus Kingdoms Offering Blessings to Love and Bless Larger than You Know How (03/30/09)
From the Swan and Penguin Kingdoms Offering Blessings to Master the Wholeness Dream Ahead (09/13/09)
From the Squirrel (Beaver) and Zebra Kingdoms Offering Blessings to Receive Larger than You Know How (12/18/09)
From the Kookaburra (Porcupine) and Skunk Kingdoms Offering Blessings to Envision Larger than You Know How (02/18/10)
From the Owl and Elk Kingdoms Offering Blessings of Ascending into Sustainable Biology (08/10/10)
For those working with the Blessings from Nature Tarot you an add these materials to your studies in relation to any tarot spread that is drawn with the above kingdoms. The kingdoms are writing in pairs and therefore there will be 18 articles all told to come forth in the years ahead related to the tarot deck and as Lilliya has time to bring them through.
NOTE: In our articles, the family of Anu is called "Annanuki". Other authors have called this group of humans "Ananaki" or "Annanaki". The actual name of this family was "An-na-nu-ki" from the karmic archives of the human species. If one intends to release karma with the Anu or Annanuki, then one must pronounce the name as it is recorded to trigger the karmic archives in one's ancestry. It is for this reason that our articles spell the name as we do.
The awakening of Lilliya began over a decade ago as she opened to her inner reality or the nonphysical dreamtime realms that surround the human species. She studied her own energetic changes in association with ascension, and over time opened to channel her soul, oversoul and source, the earth mother and nature kingdoms along with the Tao, a force that sits outside of time and space and form, to make information that each wished humanity to understand available to each who so chooses to study of our materials.
Ascension makes possible a new life to blossom that is disease free, pain free, and restores the ability for each to become the dreamer and the dream. Through ascension, one may learn to consciously dream weave and intend one's life, and then live to experience the life intended. This is the gift of ascension. It is Lilliya's greatest hope that more shall choose the spiritual path of ascension in this lifetime due to the gifts that this path makes possible for each. For more information about Lilliya, see "Consultations".
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