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Messages from the Dolphins and Whales
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please see Nature Articles or Transmissions
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Messages from the Dolphins and Whales I
At long last the Dolphin and Whale Kingdom have chosen to release their original articles in a fully formatted pdf book!
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Healing with Nature
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This section contains channeled information from the map makers within the dolphin and whale species. It is the greatest wish of the dolphin and whale species that mankind shall ascend into a new unity pod based energy flow that shall foster harmonious relationships with one another along with all other kingdoms. For earlier transmissions from the dolphins and whales, please see Messages from the Dolphins and Whales. For earlier materials from the nature kingdoms, see Inspirations from Nature, Messages from the Creepy Crawlers, and Messages from the Great White Buffalo.
- Forming Pod Relations in Human Life Blessings for Learning Pod Relations in Human Form (11/13/05)
- Forgiving the Past and Changing the Future Blessings for Unity Relations (4/08/06)
- Healing the Heart and Freeing the Spirit to Ascend
Blessings for Communion between Body Soul and Earth and Receiving the Infinite Love of the Tao (12/29/06)
- Fulfilling Upon the Map of Ascension Blessings for Self Healing through the Love of the Tao (9/5/07)
- Giving Birth To Peace Blessings for Forgiving Fission Thought-Form and Embracing an Internal State of Peace (05/22/08)
- Singing New Music of Truth Love and Joy Blessings for Learning New Inner Music (09/09/08)
- The Momentum towards Sustainability Blessings from the Inner Earth Dolphins and Whales for entering the oneness paradigm of sustainability. (09/16/09)
Recent Lessons of the Ascension Path Blessings for Forgiving your Ancestral Fission Karma -- a look into a recent travesty of combustion within the inner earth whale kingdom. (03/31/10)
NOTE: In our articles, the family of Anu is called "Annanuki". Other authors have called this group of humans "Ananaki" or "Annanaki". The actual name of this family was "An-na-nu-ki" from the karmic archives of the human species. If one intends to release karma with the Anu or Annanuki, then one must pronounce the name as it is recorded to trigger the karmic archives in one's ancestry. It is for this reason that our articles spell the name as we do.
The awakening of Lilliya began over a decade ago as she opened to her inner reality or the nonphysical dreamtime realms that surround the human species. She studied her own energetic changes in association with ascension, and over time opened to channel her soul, oversoul and source, the earth mother and nature kingdoms along with the Tao, a force that sits outside of time and space and form, to make information that each wished humanity to understand available to each who so chooses to study of our materials.
Ascension makes possible a new life to blossom that is disease free, pain free, and restores the ability for each to become the dreamer and the dream. Through ascension, one may learn to consciously dream weave and intend one's life, and then live to experience the life intended. This is the gift of ascension. It is Lilliya's greatest hope that more shall choose the spiritual path of ascension in this lifetime due to the gifts that this path makes possible for each. For more information about Lilliya, see "Consultations".
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