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The Inner Earth Mother “Anasonya” through Karen Danrich “Lilliya”
May 18,2010
Blessings for
Unification of the Three Polarities of Light Medium and Dark
Beloved upon the Ascension Path,
It is Anasonya, the inner earth mother consciousness that greets you today. We are happy to share of many planetary changes ahead that shall begin to affect the human dream this year of 2010. There is a major polarity shift being orchestrated at this time. By in large this entails the release of polarity as it has been sustained upon earth for the past 50,000 years of our history (200,000 years as humans measure time.)
Polarity is a state of being in which parts of self and others hold opposites in terms of thought-form and life experience and expression. The easiest manner to view opposites is to look at the circle of people that you associate with at work, at home and at large. As you draw a circle of those who are close to you to begin with and around you, what do you perceive? Are you or another ill? Are you or another struggling in some manner? Are you or another married or in love? Do you or another have children? Do you or another own a home? You can see in your circle that not all can have beloveds or partnerships; not all can be married; not all can have children, nor can each own a home of their own. In polarity only parts of the dreams of any experience are expressed and in opposites of light medium and dark polarities of dreams.
Personality characteristics are also polarized between humans. So take a look at your circle of others again. Are you or others judgmental? Are you or others loving in nature? Are you or others hateful or condescending? Are you or others greedy in nature? Are you or others selfish and care more about themselves than others? Are you or others helpful and supportive of others? Are you or others healing in nature harmonizing others wherever you go? Are you or others able to travel and feel free? Are you or others imprisoned in your life circumstance? Are you or others wealthier or more abundant and capable of manifesting enough? Are you or others in poverty? Are you or others aggressive and determined? Are you or others shy or quiet struggling to express of self?
All of these types of opposites will continue to express and be experienced until polarity is unified within in the act of ascension; after which the circle will alter in your dance of life. For those ascending you unify the poles to a certain degree in mastering the Language of Light. The Language of Light is an ascending language of sound tone and movement that allows opposites to cease and unity to be entered as polarities are integrated within. For each opposite you have in your life dance there is also an opposite within expressed as parallel lives upon parallel and nonphysical planes surrounding earth. This is why it is so that each person in your life is also a mirror for a parallel life expression you are experiencing concurrent with your physical life expression. For anyone that you despise or dislike in your life circumstance, you have parallel lives where you express in parallel manners. As the parallel life is integrated and one forgives the other for that which you despise or dislike, then the unification of opposites is complete within.
One manner to press the unification forward is in the form of a conscious recasting. We will have a short meditation at the end of this essay that shall take you through a conscious recasting for the sake of unification of polarithy. As you intend to cancel the polarities in your life expression and experience, the intention calls forth the opportunity to forgive the patterns associated and ancestral karma that is related. As you call upon the ancestors and ancestral planes, then the process of unifying poles is aided through your own inheritance. Cancellation of polarity is an ongoing process in ascension; one looks at the mirror presented in the life dance and chooses to integrate the opposites expressed; and through this the struggles of life dissipate as the dreams one calls to experience alter as you no longer express the polarity in the unconscious associated.
Unification of polarity has not been written about much in prior materials offered through this web site. This is not Lilliya’s fault but the prior earth mother consciousness that she channeled was struggling with her own polarities and did not understand the process as well as the inner earth. The inner earth is a more unified consciousness; and we are struggling with the polarities expressed upon our surface in our own global ascension. It is the polarity between outer and inner earth that is to be drastically diminished in this year ahead and this shall lead unto much healing for our surface; and the healing fostered will begin to be able to be expressed in the form of the self healing of all of our kingdoms.
Most kingdoms upon the surface are ill to some degree or another. Mostly this is due to the toxic mess that humanity has created. However we can sincerely say that this was in polarity to the toxic clean up of the inner earth peoples. 300 years ago (1200 years as you measure time) the inner earth peoples cleaned up their toxins in preparation for ascension; but failed to unify the poles with outer earth expression in their kingdom. The net result was that the toxic dream went to the surface and then became expressed in the past 100 years of human technological development. Now the inner earth humans are coming to understand what they have caused; and are healing the polarity within their own map carvers of ascension. The dream can then change as this comes to be so and you will witness and even greater “green thinking” consciousness emerge amongst outer earth humans in the coming decade as a result.
There are other polarities also suspended due to inner earth shifts that were not cancelled against outer earth dreams. By in large it is the disassociation of your kingdom between inner and outer that has led to this problem; as inner earth humans felt that outer earth humans are too non conscious to intermix with. To a certain degree we understand; however it causes the problem of failing to understand enough to ascend your own species in full. We are happy to discover some legitimate map carvers in association with Lilliya that are vying to create the self healing upon our surface; and your records provide much information and many insights to the inner earth peoples so that they too can understand. They are now focused upon releasing the karma for the past 50,000 years of outer earth human karma; and this shall unify the polarities expressed greatly leading to the greatest polarity shift that has ever occurred upon earth since our fall into the third dimension.
A polarity reversal causes the dream to shift from one extreme to its opposite in all expressions and in the dream at large. As the poles shift many changes shall unfold for the humans upon the surface of the earth. For those stuck in the extremes of wealth they may lose their fortunes. Those on the other hand of poverty, wealth may emerge for a time. However it is interesting to look at this time as although those who have been poorer may become wealthier, they will share more greatly of their resources having recalled the pain of not having enough and having compassion for others as a result of their experience. As a result wealth may redistribute ahead and as a middle polarity dream emerges in greater balance.
This is one of the problems with shortened lifespan; rarely do humans recall their past lives of struggle, and if they have a life in counter balance of non struggle, they have often little compassion for those who struggle as it is not recalled. As lifetimes of struggle are recalled in ascension, sometimes they also manifest in physicality and then the compassion is gained nonetheless through the spiritual path journey. We see this in Nomi who has become deeply compassionate due to his own journey of disease that he is ascending out of at this time. Sometimes it is in the struggle that many things are come to be understood in ascension; and so it is so for these two leaders as well. For Lilliya she is learning to love Nomi even more deeply to allow for his experience and provide a foundation for his recovery; and it is learning to love and have compassion that is perhaps the greatest lesson of all that face all surface earth humans who choose to ascend.
The only real manner of unifying polarity is to forgive self for expressing something that is opposite to what you express in physicality. As one polarity that is deemed often positive or of greater balance is cancelled against that which is deemed negative or more greatly dense, then one comes to the middle path. For a long time map carvers have focused upon uniting the light and dark and then coming to the middle path of the middle polarity. Although this is useful in the early ascension to 3000 strands or so, what the map carvers vying to master Bodhisattva or beyond are discovering is that the middle polarity also requires cancellation with the light and darker expressions of thought-form to sustain a real and sincere middle path expression.
In order to unify the light medium and darker polarities, one must also cancel the Language of Light thought-form associated. So for example in the polarity of love and fear and the middle thought-form of compassion that one ascends into, one needs to cancel love fear and compassion together as polarities to then realize the sincere middle path thought-form of compassion. This may sound confusing but we will explain further. There are those who are appear compassionate in nature and hold this as a middle polarity against those who love or fear. Middle polarity compassion is not real compassion as it requires love and fear to exist in order to be sustained. Real compassion as a middle path allows love fear and false compassion to be unified into an expanded expression where love and fear and false compassion cease altogether. Therefore unifying all three polarities now becomes the focus of the map carvers of ascension as this is the only focus that will lead to the sincere middle expression.
Some time ago the polarities unified by integration of the Language of Light were offered up and we are offering up this file yet again so that those seeking to master can work through the language of light canceling all poles instead of only two. (See PolarityCheck.pdf for more information). Regardless of how much of the language of light you have mastered, you will know in your life mirrors where you have failed to unify all three poles. If you have those expressing the opposites around you or in your life expression of any language of light note then you have not fully integrated the polarities associated. As you strive to integrate all three polarities then the real middle path will show up as your dream, and these expressing the opposites will either fade from your life experience or change themselves in relation to you; or your dream will change and move out of the polarity you have been stuck within. Such is the nature of all mirrors; and how the dance of life mirrors something to you about yourself. As you modify yourself of the extremes, then others around you and your life circumstance will alter coming to the sincere middle road.
The Language of Light itself is also changing again at this time. As enough map carvers unify the three poles expressed the language itself changes in magnetism to become more greatly balanced. As of this past year the map carvers in association with SSOA has strived to move towards a dream of wholeness; as this has been constructed what has occurred is that each has experienced even more extremes in the dance of life than before. Why is this so? Well the unification of polarity was incomplete and as a result the dreams wobbled in the wholeness paradigm to an extreme wherever the Language of Light had failed to become balanced within the field. As the third polarity is unified of the middle polarity, then the magnetism alters and the extremes shall cease to be expressed ahead leading to a sincere dream of wholeness to catch. Therefore those map carvers whether you are associated with SSOA or not can look at your life from a standpoint of extremes and seek to modify your dream by unifying the third and middle polarity thought-form into a more balanced and sincere middle road journey. (See Language of Light for more information.)
Thought-form can also be cancelled in the experience of the mirrors in the dance of life. Each expressing something opposite to oneself holds a thought-form that is also expressed upon a parallel life plane that one also is related unto. As you use the mirror of those expressing opposites unto oneself and choose to cancel the thought-form that is opposite or middle path from parallel lives, then one can also step out of the polarity of expression associated. All that is required is intention to press the three together as you will have one polarity in physicality of light medium or dark, and medium or dark polarities expressed nonphysical parallel lives. As you press all three together through intention, they will disappear from one’s inner vision. Then the ancestors associated with surface and you can again cancel the opposites by pressing together those of light medium or dark expressions until they too disappear within one’s inner vision. As the three poles are united then one can begin to integrate the opposites in the physical from which another language forms that is middle road in nature and old languages that are polarity based dissipate.
Languages are inherent in the DNA that you embodied since birth. There are languages from Orion, the Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius and Alpha Centauri along with another creation known as Albyreon in most human DNA. All of these languages came to be in human form due to foreign visitors from the creations associated and then the intermixing of DNA due to offspring born between the two. Only Sirian language has a middle path polarity offered; and all other languages must be purged and modified as the old DNA is ascended out of and new DNA ascended into to allow the Language of Light to take hold in an ascending field. Integrating only Sirian DNA in one’s ascension requires focus and this is the purpose that the Earth Mother wrote the Complete Ascension Workbooks I and II; to help those focused upon the goal of ascension in embracing DNA that was resonant with her and could carry on in the Great Central Sun dream ahead. (See “Products” for more information.)
The map carvers to Bodhisattva have purified their DNA to 96% Sirian over all in SSOA association. This was no small feat and now they must purify again by canceling the Sirian language or Language of Light against its own two poles that it fractured into in the blending of non resonant DNA; and as this occurs the language itself will modify again leading to a new Language of Light that is Tao based. All languages for ascension are being modified yet again to become Tao based in preparation for a journey home to the Tao from which we were spawned. It has been in the attempt to modify the genetic languages of the map carvers that it has been seen that not all polarities were cancelled in each and therefore another level of cancellation must come forth in order to allow Tao language to hold; and as Tao language holds in any field so will a wholeness dream catch that is more greatly enjoyable to live.
Wholeness and sustainability are synonymous. Sustainability is a state of being in which everything is supplied from within and exists therefore in balance. As many enter sustainable thought-form ahead due to following the map of ascension, then all will learn to live in balance with one another. First sustainability must occur as a genetic phenomenon and then shall be expressed external to self in the dance of life and as enough evolve into such a state of being, then the whole of human civilization shall restructure itself accordingly. This is the purpose of the path of ascension at this time; to work towards unity based sustainable thought-form in the DNA and biology so that sustainable dreams can be born in the human kingdom upon our surface. So the map carvers move in a new direction now to embody sustainable thought-form; and unifying the three polarities is the first step towards this goal.
In the inner earth sustainability was never fragmented out of. The genetic fabric of those in the inner earth including most kingdoms therefore sustains itself and as such the waste of one organ gland or system is the food source for another; and everything is recycled in order to sustain regeneration within. Such biology translates into a civilization that is also sustainable and chooses to recycle everything, clean up its own toxic messes and create a circumstance in which humans and nature align with earth and can ascend together. This too must transpire upon our surface and can only occur as sustainable thought-form is ascended into.
Liliya is one of the few outer earth humans to ascend into sustainable biology; now the map carvers are to follow as will Nomi as he self heals and sustainable thought-form will be ascended into at an earlier level of mastery of all ahead as a result. How will this come to be so? Well it is all in the intention. Each ascending is their own creator; as each creator intends to ascend into sustainability so it will be. The sustainable thought-form ascended into will allow a wholeness dream to hold; and will also modify parts of the biology that might become diseased at some future point in time ahead otherwise into a sustainable format. Therefore this is the best possible ascension dream to move towards; and this is the direction Anasonya is taking the group along with the Inner Earth Ancestors who are assisting the map carves along our surface at this time. The Inner Earth Ancestors also have much to forgive in relation to what was caused upon our surface; and so it all serves. They too offer a hand to those mapping ascension now as a result.
Our path as inner earth consciousness known as Anasonya (translates into Song of My Heart) is also to cancel the three polarities at this time as expressed in the inner and outer earth predicament. By in large the inner earth sustains the middle polarity and the outer earth is splintered between light and dark with a small expression of middle polarity dreams. As the three poles are cancelled and unified between inner and outer, then a real middle path dream can be cast for all kingdoms. The middle path will be different from what has been for all including the inner earth humans. The inner earth humans will by in large face their own darkness now in the ascension ahead that was expressed upon our surface; and the outer earth will experience a emerging middle path dream that will help with the extremes that are at cause of such conflict and struggle unto your species. This is the gift of the polarity shift about to unfold ahead beloved.
How will individual humans experience the emerging middle path? Well just like ascending humans, all polarities that one holds must be unified. This is to occur upon a mass level due to the direction of inner earth humans towards outer earth human dreams and in their own unification of the poles within. As this occurs the middle path will first be expressed in all parallel lives which shall shift from extremes of light and dark to middle polarity of less struggle. Then the physical dreams shall follow suit and humans will find their way to dancing together in greater unity and acceptance in the decades ahead. In time wars shall cease and peace shall be sustained; and ascending little ones shall carry the generations forward in their evolutionary thought-form that shall lead to an entirely new civilization to be born in the coming 100 years or so of human history. This is the emergence of the hoped for “golden era” predicted by many who preceded Lilliya or their organization.
Lilliya have special roles as destined by their own births; but they are not the only one. SSOA shall emerge in time as a major force of ascension teachings; and many healers who are legitimately mastering their own ascensions shall emerge under Anasonya’s and the Tao’s direction; however first the map must be more thoroughly carved into sustainable thought form in order for this to be so; and each mastering knows how difficult this journey can be and how difficult it often is to unify the extremes within; and the sometimes difficult dreams one then dreams in order to understand enough to forgive; such as Lilliya’s strokes in recent years; and also now Nomi's physical ailments. Each of these two shall ascend beyond their difficulties as shall each map carver; as this is the journey towards love, compassion and wholeness within beloved.
No one outside can understand the journey of another within; and each journey within is a unique pathway towards the goal of loving more deeply, having greater compassion for all others, and ultimately finding your way back to wholeness and self sustainability from within your own inheritance. As enough express self sustainability who are born ahead, humanity shall also move in this direction; and this will be a beautiful thing to witness beloved. For those upon this journey, choosing to unify your polarities within, open the heart, and learn to have compassion by examining your own destructiveness in your inheritance in order to forgive absolute are the three main focuses that we of the inner earth advise outer earth ascending humans to put their attention unto.
We have a lovely meditation to unify polarity more greatly at the end of this essay. However before this is shared the Inner Earth Ancestors have something more to say. They shall begin a series of their own of essays ahead through Lilliya.
Many blessings of unified polarity
Anasonya, The Inner Earth Mother
Dear Beloved upon the Ascension Path,
We honor you for your goals to ascend this lifetime. We are reviewing all the outer earth ascension records that Lilliya and the school has compiled. We see that the extremes of light and dark have often pitted you against one another and there are certain key ancestries that are problematic unto those mastering unity and vying to self heal. Those that are conflictive generally come from other creation inheritances and therefore are not geared to ascension back to this great central sun. Those of this nature are best concluding the life as they are complete and returning as consciousness to where they were spawned and in so doing they too will be able to ascend at the end of cycle time period within their creation of origin. So nothing is lost as consciousness carries forward beyond death.
The inner earth now needs to examine the ancestries that parallel that are also troublesome. Many of these ancestries were cleansed in inner earth ascension over the past 1200 year cycle. However some have carried on and expressed their darkness on the surface of the earth rather than in the inner earth; and have gone unknown as a problem until now. These inheritances are related to those that the surface earth humans mapping ascension have struggled with perhaps the most greatly. Some of the struggle is really due to inner earth cause and now we are to take responsibility for our cause and correct it so that the capacity to ascend along our surface is freed up for the future generations ahead.
Ascension has its difficulties when not all is perceived. For a long time we have been unaware and did not have records available unto us of outer earth history or the karma associated. This then led to ascending but failing to release all karma for our species; and as a result many travesties manifest the worst of which were nuclear annihilation and fission caused through combustion and false ascension. This type of karma has failed to be released and now is to be focused upon in the year ahead so that another war does not occur upon the outer earth; as there is still a possibility of this manifesting ahead otherwise. So we will conclude with warfare and fission and this shall clear the dreams ahead in a new direction of peace and homecoming.
There are those in the inner earth with great awareness and they are being redirected through Anasonya to direct the ascension movement for both inner and outer earth in collaboration with the work of Lilliya. Unifying the inner earth dreams and ascending map carvers with the outer earth map carvers is a major shift; and one that shall allow the possibility of a return journey home this cycle to become viable. We see without this union that earth would go extinct in 10,000 years; and this has been an awakening for the ascending inner earth map carvers who have been in a delusion held by the false gods that all was well when it was not. So this is often so for many outer earth aspirants trapped in the teachings of gurus and their false gods; there is much to be done to correct the polarities at cause of how and why earth is heading for extinction; and this is becoming the focus of all map carvers now of both inner and outer forces so that another day can be dreamt and then fulfilled upon ahead.
Predictions of prophets of the past are only predictions. Realizing any dream possibility that was perceived by a prophet requires that the thought=form and language be modified to allow the hopeful dreams to catch. This is not as easy as many might think; it requires so much that the possibility of earth going extinct is yet far greater than her surviving; and yet with enough focus and forgiveness and love of the Tao pouring in, there is a slight possibility that she shall make it. The more that is focused upon in this time period to create sustainable thought-form upon our surface, the more that the path towards a successful future home coming shall widen until one day it may become the only possibility remaining. This requires far more continued ascension of the outer earth and inner earth alike; and a balancing of the scales and forgiveness of the karma at cause so that the thought-form of why we manifest this in the first place is released; and new thought-form integrated that then causes another dream to unfold altogether other than extinction.
Lilliya and many in her organization understand the process of ascension greatly. There are those offering healing that understand more than most other healers about the nature of polarity, karma, and are vessels of communication from the ancestral realms and nature kingdoms along with earth alike. Few take advantage of their skills yet as the outer earth has been so badly polarized into failed ascension that the work of SSOA is a minor voice over all in the spiritual dream of humanity. And yet it may be the only viable path of ascension carved; and so should reach far more to aid in the journey of ascension of the whole. We are intending a dream of widening the audience of the school and gathering more map carvers into the study programs so that more can be done to foster a new dream for outer earth in this time period. (See Consultations and Group Mastery for more information).
The truth is we almost lost both Lilliya in recent years; and if this had occurred the path of extinction probably would be the only one available for Anasonya. So we are glad that their Tao within intervened and allowed them to carry forward until a time was reached where the inner and outer could unite in direction to allow ascension to take flight for the whole. We know that Lilliya have their spiritual lessons in it all; and are addressing them within. This is not an easy role for any human to play as so much strives to work against them that it is difficult to review as an ancestor related unto them. However we see our own cause now and shall strive to forgive and embrace and love what is perceived as unlovable; much as the Tao is learning to love what was unthinkable in their own creations that are associated with this region of domain. We will only heal if we pull together; and so this is our goal now. We are sorry we could not understand this earlier; and much was interfering that has now been released and in recent months of global changes orchestrated by the inner earth consciousness.
We are organizing healing and support for outer earth map carvers and followers. This is formatted in siLilliyar manners to the healing temples that Terra orchestrated before her consciousness was reunited with Anasonya in recent months. The temples shall continue to provide support, recasting, healing, souls and angels and ancestral planes that support ascension along with love and blessings from the Tao. The Tao is an amazing force and we are grateful that it has entered the dance; and from many times period. There are Tao aspects here from up to 5 cycles ahead vying to correct what is going wrong in their cycle; and much is pouring forth to make Anasonya’s journey possible this cycle. In so being, not all is lost and we must simply carry forward one step at a time and follow the Tao’s lead as to what requires correcting to assure a return journey home this time around.
We bless you from the ancestral realms and have agreed with Lilliya to write a series of focuses that we perceive as supportive of the map carvers of ascension. Lilliya is vying to make more time to write ahead and has been organizing her life to allow for this. The stress of Nomi‘s circumstance has been difficult and taken a toll on her; but she too is rebuilding for the journey ahead; and is finding her strength in the midst of vast life changes. We support her as we will support each and as we can.
Many Blessings of Love Bigger than We Know How
The Inner Earth Ancestors
1. Find a comfortable place to sit with your legs uncrossed upon the floor. This allows for easier grounding and connection unto Anasonya of the inner earth. Put one some soft music of preference and light some candles or incense to create a beautiful environment to focus inward.
2. Breathe in and out slowly several times while intending to anchor through the land to my aurora. Intend to pull up the pink and golden energies of my consciousness to surround yourself with. Allow the nonphysical energies and forces other than my souls and angels to depart through your grounding at this time. Intend a thorough recasting as you enter dream time tonight to receive more healing yet from myself or the inner earth ancestors.
3. Breathe in and out slowly. Intend to gather yourself back from all other fields or nature kingdoms that you have lost consciousness and chi unto. Gather this into a ball of golden light above your head and allow this to begin to fill you. Let us add the vibrations of the love of the Tao into your golden ball and begin to bless you and your field.
4. Let us begin to bless every cell in your body. Your body is beloved unto the earth and needs to know it has been loved. Take a moment to focus even more greatly upon those regions that may afflict you or you are uncomfortable with in physicality. Add more love unto such regions and intend that they begin their process of self healing.
5. Breathe in and out slowly. Now let us add the blessings to the regeneration system that surrounds the etheric body and spins over each organ gland and system. Let us bless your regeneration so that you shall ascend into healthy biology ahead. Intend to anchor the best possible ascending blueprint with your ancestors of the outer earth and in the guidance of the ancestors of the inner earth. Allow this blueprint to descend into your ascension grid work that surrounds the etheric body.
6. Breathe in and out slowly. Now let us expand the blessings to include your 12 chakra system and subtle bodies. Allow yourself to feel loved beloved. Expand the love to include your body level dream and life dream that sit beyond the subtle bodies. Now expand the love to the entirety of your global sized field and holographic body. Intend a correction to the holographic planes as needed to assure your journey of ascension this lifetime.
7. Breathe in and out slowly. Now imagine a golden screen in front of you. Intend to put your extended family of mother father, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, children and spouses, beloveds or partners upon the golden screen. For each that is represented of your family, intend to create a duplicate of yourself and place it in front of them. Now press the two together with the intention to cancel all polarities expressed between you of light medium and dark natures.
8. Breathe in and out slowly. Intend to forgive the differences expressed amongst you, even the darkest of expressions. Understand that for any dark expression in the family you have expressed the same in a parallel nonphysical life. Intend to integrate the darkest of expressions by forgiving yourself for expressing in the same manner although not in physicality. Intend to cancel the polarities expressed between parallel lives.
9. Breathe in and out slowly. Light an etheric fire under your chair and bring forward all contracts and agreements associated with the poles that you have held between family members this lifetime. Imagine your inner family around you now from age 0 through your present time age; and intend to cancel the poles that remain from the expressions that you are ready to complete with at this time. As you intend this members of your inner family of all age ranges will disappear into one another as they unify their polarities as you internalized them into yourself in your life dance.
10. Breathe in and out slowly. Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas and polarities. Place each ancestor that experienced a light medium or dark experience in parallel to your life circumstance and across from one another. Allow the ancestors to merge until they disappear that are associated with the polarities expressed in physical life experience of family or beloveds this lifetime. Intend to forgive the ancestral experiences triggered in full. Bring forward all ancestral contracts and agreements related and burn them off under your chair.
11. Breathe in and out slowly. Allow fragmented parts of self suspended away from the field due to the polarities within to begin to return now. Send the fragmented parts of self returning to your own healing temple in the aurora that the ancestors are creating for you; and you will integrate them as you sleep and if very large over many days or weeks ahead. Bless the returning parts of self that fractured long ago and in difficult family experiences in this lifetime. Allow the love to help re-knit you together with you.
12. Breathe in and out slowly. Now imagine all your schoolmates that you have known in this lifetime upon your screen. For each that is represented create a duplicate of yourself and place it across from them. Now press the two together until each disappears with the intention to unify the poles of light medium and dark between you.
13. Breathe in and out slowly. Intend that the parallel lives of light medium and dark that are a mirror of the polarities expressed by each also become unified at this time. Intend the mirror of the darkest of expressions that you experienced over time in your school life are forgiven. Forgive yourself for expressing the same darkness upon parallel lives. Allow the contracts and agreements to surface and be cleared in the fire under your chair.
14. Breathe in and out slowly. Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas and polarities as you have at school this lifetime. Place each ancestor that experienced a light medium or dark experience in parallel to your life circumstance and across from one another. Allow the ancestors to merge until they disappear that are associated with the polarities expressed in physical school experiences this lifetime. Intend to forgive the ancestral experiences triggered in full. Bring forward all ancestral contracts and agreements related and burn them off under your chair.
15. Breathe in and out slowly. Allow your inner family again to emerge in front of you from ages 0 through present time. Intend to unify the poles within that were internalized in your school life. Allow those inner family members to disappear as they walk into one another. Allow the fractured bits of self related to return now that were suspended in the polarity held of light medium and dark in your school life. Bless these parts of self and send them to your healing temple for integration over the coming night or weeks ahead as needed.
16. Breathe in and out slowly. Now imagine all your workmates that you have known in this lifetime upon your screen. For each that is represented create a duplicate of yourself and place it across from them. Now press the two together until each disappears with the intention to unify the poles of light medium and dark between you.
17. Breathe in and out slowly. Intend that the parallel lives of light medium and dark that are a mirror of the polarities expressed by each workmate also become unified at this time. Intend the mirror of the darkest of expressions that you experienced over time in your work life are forgiven. Forgive yourself for expressing the same darkness in parallel lives. Allow the contracts and agreements to surface and be cleared in the fire under your chair.
18. Breathe in and out slowly. Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas and polarities at work in their lifetimes. Place each ancestor that experienced a light medium or dark experience in parallel to your life circumstance and across from one another. Allow the ancestors to merge until they disappear that are associated with the polarities expressed in physical experience of work this lifetime. Intend to forgive the ancestral experiences triggered in full. Bring forward all ancestral contracts and agreements related and burn them off under your chair.
19. Breathe in and out slowly. Allow your inner family again to emerge in front of you from ages 0 through present time. Intend to unify the poles within that were internalized in your work life. Allow those inner family members to disappear as they walk into one another. Allow the fractured bits of self related to return now that were suspended in the polarity held of light medium and dark in your work life. Bless these parts of self and send them to your healing temple for integration over the coming night or weeks ahead as needed.
20. Breathe in and out slowly. Now imagine all the friends you have known over time in any type of association upon your screen. For each that is represented create a duplicate of yourself and place it across from them. Now press the two together until each disappears with the intention to unify the poles of light medium and dark between you.
21. Breathe in and out slowly. Intend that the parallel lives of light medium and dark that are a mirror of the polarities expressed by each friend also become unified at this time. Intend the mirror of the darkest of expressions that you experienced over time in your friendships are forgiven. Forgive yourself for expressing the same darkness upon parallel lives. Allow the contracts and agreements to surface and be cleared in the fire under your chair.
22. Breathe in and out slowly. Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas and polarities with friends in their lifetimes. Place each ancestor that experienced a light medium or dark experience in parallel to your life circumstance and across from one another. Allow the ancestors to merge until they disappear that are associated with the polarities expressed in physical experiences this lifetime. Intend to forgive the ancestral experiences triggered in full. Bring forward all ancestral contracts and agreements related and burn them off under your chair.
23. Breathe in and out slowly. Allow your inner family again to emerge in front of you from ages 0 through present time. Intend to unify the poles within that were internalized in your experiences of friendship. Allow those inner family members to disappear as they walk into one another. Allow the fractured bits of self related to return now that were suspended in the polarity held of light medium and dark in your life due to friendship. Bless these parts of self and send them to your healing temple for integration over the coming night or weeks ahead as needed.
24. Breathe in and out slowly. Intend that those you have known as a teacher or leader or boss appear in front of you now. For each that is represented create a duplicate of yourself and place it across from them. Now press the two together until each disappears with the intention to unify the poles of light medium and dark between you.
25. Breathe in and out slowly. Intend that the parallel lives of light medium and dark that are a mirror of the polarities expressed by each leader in your life also become unified at this time. Intend the mirror of the darkest of expressions that you experienced over time in the bosses, leaders and teachers in your life are forgiven. Forgive yourself for expressing the same darkness upon parallel lives. Allow the contracts and agreements to surface and be cleared in the fire under your chair.
26. Breathe in and out slowly. Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas and polarities with teachers, leaders or bosses. Place each ancestor that experienced a light medium or dark experience in parallel to your life circumstance and across from one another. Allow the ancestors to merge until they disappear that are associated with the polarities expressed in physical experiences this lifetime with those of leadership status. Intend to forgive the ancestral experiences triggered in full. Bring forward all ancestral contracts and agreements related and burn them off under your chair.
27. Breathe in and out slowly. Allow your inner family again to emerge in front of you from ages 0 through present time. Intend to unify the poles within that were internalized in your experiences of teachers bosses and leaders in your life. Allow those inner family members to disappear as they walk into one another. Allow the fractured bits of self related to return now that were suspended in the polarity held of light medium and dark in your life. Bless these parts of self and send them to your healing temple for integration over the coming night or weeks ahead as needed.
28. Breathe in and out slowly. Now imagine all of the groups you have ever affiliated with in front of you. Intend to create a duplicate of yourself and place one in front of each group. Now press the two together allowing all to disappear with the intention of canceling all polarities sustained between you and any other group.
29. Breathe in and out slowly. Now intend that the light medium and dark experiences of group dynamics expressed upon any parallel life experience cancel with the light medium and dark expressions you experienced in physicality. Intend to bring all contracts and agreements forward and burn them off under your chair.
30. Breathe in and out slowly. Now bring your ancestors forward that experienced parallel traumas in their life expression in relation to group dynamics. Place each ancestor that experienced a light medium or dark experience in parallel across from one another. Allow the ancestors to merge until they disappear that are associated with the polarities expressed in physical experiences of groups this lifetime. Bring forward all ancestral contracts and agreements related and burn them off under your chair.
31. Breathe in and out slowly. Now imagine your inner family again from ages 0 through present time. Intend the polarities that were internalized in each inner family due to group dynamics throughout your life are cancelled. Watch as certain inner family members unite with others and disappear signifying the conclusion of the poles you have known with groups this lifetime. Bring forward your contracts and agreements now and burn them off under your chair.
32. Breathe in and out slowly. Now intend to bring forth all polarity based through form that you are unifying at this time, or failed to unify at an earlier time in your ascension. Intend to reunify all formerly integrated thought-form with the third polarity related to the Language of Light. For each polarity intend to unite dark and medium and light thought-form until a new thought-form that is more greatly balanced emerges in your field. (We suggest that you go through the entire list of single and dual tone notes in the polarity checklist with the intention to unify the three poles following the conclusion of this meditation.)
33. Breathe in and out slowly. Allow all the patterns associated with the polarities that you have sustained and are transcending at this time begin to release from the field.
34. Breathe in and out slowly. Allow the inner earth ancestors and your ancestral counsel of 12 to present themselves at this time. Sit for a minute to listen to what your ancestors have to say about your current process of ascension and life path. Allow them to help with whatever circumstances you find yourself in that are at cause of your life struggle. Intend to weave a new dream together that stands beyond the polarity you are experiencing at this time.
35. Take one last deep breath and whenever you are ready, open your eyes and return to the room. Stretch from side to side and down to allow the energy to flow more greatly. (Note: A walk, swim, bath or jacuzzi or sauna is suggested to follow to aid in the release and integration process.)
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