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Messages from the Earth Mother
Mastering Compassion
Audio CD
The Complete Ascension WorkbooK II
CD Rom
This new workbook has been compiled by the Earth Mother from the map carvers of ascension over the many years and focuses upon the emotional issues required transcendence over to master Bodhisattva level evolution
Mastering Intention
Audio CD
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To be added to our mailing list and receive the latest articles first hand, please e-mail us your e-mail address only as we are no longer guided to send printed matter by the earth mother due to the ongoing destruction of the tree kingdom.
Our long awaited tarot deck from our Inspirations from the Nature Kingdoms section! This deck is designed to work with the Language of Light Tarot. Enjoy!
This section contains new channeled information from Terra, the Earth Mother's consciousness, in support of the continued path of the map carvers of ascension with a focus of what it means to become the creator of one's own dream. For earlier articles from the Earth Mother, please see Messages from the Earth Mother I, Messages from the Earth Mother II, and Messages from the Earth Mother III.
- Changes in the New Dream Ahead Blessings for Entering the New Dream (10/11/08)
- Uniting Power and Love Within Blessings for Empowering Love (12/19/08)
- New Music for Ascending Humans Blessings for Learning a New Song of Empowerment and Love (03/05/09)
- Completing with False Gods and False Ascension Blessings for Ascending into Wholeness Within (07/01/09)
- Letters From Ancestor Sara Blessings for Communication and Healing from the Ancestral Planes (07/30/09)
- The Return of Father Earth Blessings for A New Polarity Dream of Wholeness (08/13/09)
- Mastering a Wholeness Dream Blessings for New Pallets and Instruments that Create Sound and Light Within (11/22/09)
- Holiday Blessings from Ancestor Sara Blessings from the Ancestral Planes for Dreams of Unity and Love over the Holiday Season (12/03/09)
- Tao Dreaming with Earth Blessings from the Inner Earth Mother "Anasonya" for learning to Tao Dream (01/15/10)
The Ancestral Perspective on Forgiveness Blessings from Ancestor Sara and the Ancestral Realms for Mastering Forgiveness (03/13/10)
Uniting Inner and Outer Earth Blessings from the Inner Earth Mother "Anasonya" for transformation of the polarity that divides love; with a meditation to exchanges blessings with the inner earth. pdf of meditation. (04/07/10)
International Ascension Conference 2010 Mission Statement The Inner Earth Mother invites you to our annual events and shares about the purpose that the conference is to fulfill upon in 2010 -- with blessings of hope for our future. (04/21/10)
Keys for Managing Dreams of Natural Disasters The Inner Earth Mother offers up keys and a meditation to anchor dreams for mild earth movements and weather change to offset natural disasters in your region of origin. (05/02/10)
Polarity Changes Ahead The Inner Earth Mother offers up suggestions on how to unify polarity to create a wholeness dream. With a guided meditation to unify the poles of light medium and dark. (05/18/10)
The Ancestral Perspective on Polarity Reversals Ancestor Sara offers up suggestions to aid in the polarity reversals ahead effecting all of earth. (06/23/10)
About the Channel
The awakening of Lilliya began over a decade ago as she opened to her inner reality or the nonphysical dreamtime realms that surround the human species. She studied her own energetic changes in association with ascension, and over time opened to channel her soul, oversoul and source, the earth mother and nature kingdoms along with the Tao, a force that sits outside of time and space and form, to make information that each wished humanity to understand available to each who so chooses to study of our materials.
Ascension makes possible a new life to blossom that is disease free, pain free, and restores the ability for each to become the dreamer and the dream. Through ascension, one may learn to consciously dream weave and intend one's life, and then live to experience the life intended. This is the gift of ascension. It is Lilliya's greatest hope that more shall choose the spiritual path of ascension in this lifetime due to the gifts that this path makes possible for each. For more information about Lilliya, see "Consultations".
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