Dual Tones and Minerals
August 28, 2009
The Mineral Kingdom through Lilliya
All That Is
Rosalite holds the dual tone of Unconditional Forgiveness. Unconditional forgiveness is a state of being in which ascension is born. Ascension can only really occur as forgiveness takes flight. Our kingdom will aid humans in integrating all movements of forgiveness or restoring such movements in the event of a karmic shattering of field. Often those in the dance of life that desire to perpetuate patterns shatter one's capacity to forgive making it difficult to complete upon the associated karma. Rosalite will help ascending humans to create completion with difficult karmic dances in one's dance of life by sustaining a state of forgiveness in one's field rotation..
All That Is
Spangolite holds the dual tone of Unconditional Compassion. Compassion in action is a mastered state of being for those ascending into Bodhisattva level evolution. Compassion is a state of being where one opens the heart and blesses all others including those that one is in conflict with. Our kingdom can aid ascending humans in mastering the art of blessing where love flows in and out unconditionally and is shared with all other sentient species. As one masters a state of blessing, one learns to live a more blessed life and finds compassion for all others and all other circumstances.
Silver will help ascending humans master a state of World Service. In a state of world service one learns to become a co-creator with earth in one's dance of life. As a co-creator the Earth Mother and Father aid one in one's dream weaving; and as such one always has enough to fulfill upon one's agreements. Everything in this creation operates founded upon agreements. If one has agreements to help with Terra and Alfie's ascension, then one will be provided for in the dream to fulfill upon one's goals. The silver kingdom can aid those ascending in mastering a state of co-creatorship with earth.
Amazonite will aid ascending humans in mastering a state of Unconditional Union. Unconditional union is an ongoing state of being in which body soul and the Earth Mother and Father dance continuously within one's field. In so being one is always in communion and as such one begins to live a soul driven life. A soul driven life has purpose and meaning and fulfills upon goals that support one's own continued evolution along with the evolution of earth. It is out of living a soul driven life that one finds one's way to a state of fulfillment. Our kingdom will help ascending humans to learn to feel fulfilled from within and live a soul drive life.
Breath of Life
Heulandte holds the dual tone of evolution. Evolution is a state of being in which one is continuously integrating parts of self lost over time and in one's ancestry; continuously bringng forth energy flow and genetic structure that holds a higher vibration and also a better state of overall health. Our kingdom will help ascending humans learn to continuously push outward and carry on in their ascension path. This is a time in which either one will ascend or one will perish in the times of cleansing. Therefore it is a time for ascending humans to carry on in their journey through focus and our kingdom will aid in this goal.
Dioptase holds the dual tone movements of Ascension. Ascension is a state of being in which one continuously expands one's field reaching further back in time in one's inheritance to clear the karma associated with the given lifetimes. Our kingdom will aid ascending humans in accessing their karmic archives from all times periods of incarnations in one's ancestry. Karma is often hidden or misplaced and our kingdom will assist in retrieving and reconstituting lost records. It is only as all records are in place that one can forgive all karma of a particular thought-form so that one can move into the new thought-form of the Language of Light. Our kingdom will aid ascending humans in understanding the thought-form requiring forgiveness of so that one can more greatly master the Language of Light movements.
God Goddess All That Is
Copper holds the vibration of Unconditional Truth in the dual tone notes in the Language of Light. Mastering unconditional truth is a state of being that allows one's own truth in action in the dance of life along with all others. All truths are honored as such. Copper will aid initiates in learning the movements of unconditional truth. It is only as one lives one's own truth that one can accept the truth of all others, even those who are not ascending or are from other creations in genealogy. It is in the unconditional acceptance of all other truths that one can also find one's way to peace in the dance of life. Copper will aid ascending humans in finding their peace within in the unconditional acceptance of all truths..
Divine Union#38
Tanzanite holds the vibration of Unlimited Joy in the dual tones of the Language of Light. What is unlimited joy? It is an ecstatic state of being that is associated with unending expansion. Most of the patterns the Earth Mother and Father have been consumed with compress the field and in the contraction humans then feel depressed, listless, hopeless, powerless and in fear. As the field expands, the depression lifts and one's hope power and love is recovered. The movements of unlimited joy aid humans in learning to continue to expand rather than contract. Our kingdom can help on bad ascension days to allow initiates to remember to expand back into the joy again.
Underwater Worlds#46
Land Based Worlds9. MAGNESITE
Magnesite holds the vibration of Unity of All Species. As ascending humans master this dual tone of the Language of Light one can enter a natural world dream. In the natural world one is embraced as a part of the whole and enters the dance of the consensus known as earth. Humans have long existed separate from the Earth Mother and Father; and now in the return journey find their way back to a state of being held in more ancient times. Many humans mastering a natural world dream feel more at home and this our kingdom will support each in fulfilling upon.
Unity Consciousness
Non-conditional Governance
Corundum holds the dual tone Communion of All Species. All species commune recurrently over the course of any given day to bless one another and the Earth Mother and Father. Often the communion occurs through a shared natural world sexual flow that generally occurs at 1:00 in the afternoon and 1:00 in the morning each 24 hour period. Humans can attune to the natural world sexual flow and choose to commune with us as your master this movement, and contribute your love unto the whole as well as receive love from the whole. This is the gift of communion in the natural world order.
Unseen Worlds
Unspoken Worlds
Strongtianite holds the vibration of Creation in the dual tones of the Language of Light. Each ascending human is a creation of their own. Each kingdom is a creation of their own. Each ascending human, dolphin and whale is a creator of their own creation known as their body and life dream. The movement of creation allows those ascending to master what it means to be a creator of your own dreams as a fully conscious species. Our kingdom will aid each in learning the movements to foster creatorship over your own life dance.
Unspoken Worlds
God Goddess All That Is
Strengite holds the vibration of Universe in the dual tones of the Language of Light. Many creators and creations dancing together make up a universe. As each ascending human masters becoming their own creator and many creators come together in the dance of life then the group creates its own universe. Lilliya have been experimenting with human universes in their International Ascension Conference events each year and have mastered holding a universe of their own. Many others who are ascending will also learn to master a universe of their own, possibly as they step out to teach or heal and gather groups of other ascending humans. Strengite will help those mastering holding groups of others in ascending flow.
Land Based Worlds
Human Species
Cuprite holds the dual tone of Civilization in the Language of Light. When many human creators come together in universes and each universe connects to many others than a civilization is sustained. Ascending humans are creating a new consensus reality of their own that shall step down as new patterns and dreams within your civilization in time an as they dominate the thought-form of the whole. Lilliya have been involved with the Earth Mother and Father in altering the human consensus dream into a new dance of ohana to cause love to become the foundation of human civilization. As each human masters the civilization tone they too contribute to co-creating a loving ascending human civilization with earth. Our kingdom will assist each in mastery of the civilization tone.
Unseen Worlds
Rosasite holds the vibration One World in the dual tones of the Language of Light. When many civilizations come together in common flow, one world is sustained. Each world forms a consensus within the consensus of the whole. Ascending humans learn to dance within the consensus of your kingdom and the larger consensus pertaining unto earth in order to co-create one world. Rosasite shall aid ascending humans in learning the movements to participate in your own consensus as a species and the consensus of earth so that one world can be sustained.
Unspoken Worlds15. LAZULITE
Lazulite holds the vibration of One Universe in the dual tones of the Language of Light. As many worlds or global consensus realities unite it creates one universe. At this time each ascending star upon dimensions 3, 5 and 12 create an ascending universe of their own that is multidimensional and interconnected in an elaborate energy flow. As humans master the one universe movements, they enter the dance with the multidimensional consensus contributing unto the consensus of your universe. Our kingdom will aid many more humans in mastering participating in our ascending consensus or universe.
God Goddess16. SIDERITE
Siderite holds the vibration of All That Is. As many universes interconnect the dance of All That Is is experienced. The dance of All That Is interconnects all creators, creations, worlds and universes in an elaborate dance that is choosing to return "home to the Tao" at this time and end of cycle journey. All that Is is being redefined at this time to include the Tao, a force that we were all once spawned from long ago. As such Siderite will aid ascending humans into connecting with your own Tao within in the mastery over the All That Is movements in your personal ascent.
God Goddess
God Goddess17. SMITHSONITE
Smithson holds the Dual Tone vibration of Infinite within the Language of Light. Creators and creations and All That Is is infinite. There is no end to creation as this is the experience of the Tao; to create, experience, expand, learn, grow, evolve, and return home with each creational experience so that all may learn from from one another over time. In mastery over the infinite movements within one's field, one will begin to open to the possibility of other experiences that your Tao within has created in order to learn, grow and evolve; and also anchor movements that are supportive of your ascension in this experience. Smithsonite will aid ascending humans in mastery over the movements of infinite so that one may experience the infinite possibility of who one is within the Tao from which one was spawned as consciousness.
God Goddess
God Goddess18. WAVELITE
Wavelite holds the first Tri Tone vibration of Infinite Magnitude within the Language of Light. There is no end unto the Tao. Each experience within the Tao effects all other creators and creations within the whole. The dance is infinite in its magnitude as a result. Each shift that those ascending make within or the Earth Mother and Father makes effects the Tao and all within it as all is holographic and interconnected in an intricate manner with each part affecting the whole. The Tao has a large problem and it is reflected in the destruction in this experience; as each ascending human moves towards love and releases the thought-form of hate and the destruction that it causes, it effects all other parts of the Tao in self healing. The healing in this region of domain is therefore required in order for the Tao to heal. Nothing is for naught and everything serves within the Tao, even the most painful of experiences. Therefore you are a gift unto the Tao in your choice to ascend and return home bringing the lessons of this experience to light so that all may heal within the whole. This is infinite magnitude in action. Wavelite will aid ascending humans in mastering this movement so that one may contribute unto the Tao's journey in your own ascension journey home.
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Dual Tones 49-70 | Dual Tones 71-80 | Dual Tones 81-96 | Dual Tone and Herbs
Tri Tones 97-112 | Tri Tones 113-136 | Tri Tones and Herbs | More Tri Tones and Herbs | How to Utilize