Herbs and Single
for Herbal Tinctures and Oils hand made by our associates
1. FORGIVENESS Herb: Echinacea Purpurea
Echinacea Purpurea assists initiates in releasing cellular trauma during the transmutative process of ascension. In essence, this herb assists initiates in the act of biological forgiveness. Cellular trauma is recorded in a particular biochemistry that is often related to viruses and disease. As such trauma is released, it is not unusual for some initiates to become ill or feel ill. Echinacea will assist in boosting the immune systems at such times for a more rapid biological transcendence through the trauma. |
2. STRUCTURE Herb: Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto will assist initiates in ascending into the a new structure upon a biological level, which is crystalline. Saw Palmetto assists with the transmutative process during which the cell re-composes itself into a new genetic structure. In a deep way, Saw Palmetto is acting as a bridge to assure that the new crystalline genetic structure becomes physical in the act of biological ascension. Those who have difficulty bringing the ascension into the physical may therefore call upon our kingdom for support, or ingest our herb if one is so guided from within. |
Ginger assists initiates in increasing the metabolism of the digestion and cells in act of ascension. Ascension requires that crystalline cells continue to consume more and more sugar as the entire form moves up in vibration. Ginger will trigger the cells to consume more so that one's biology may continue to ascend. Ginger is a good tonic herb that can be added to the diet daily if desired. |
4. COMPASSION Herb: Chamomile
5. BREATH OF LIFE Herb: Feverfew
Feverfew will assist initiates in learning to breathe deeply to collect the oxygen required by an ascending crystalline form to subsist, and to continue to ascend. Conscious breath is an autonomic nervous system function that was long lost in the fall of man. Feverfew will also assist in the return of the biological mechanism and the repair of the brain stem so that ascending initiates will experience an ongoing ability to consciously breathe. For those who experience shortness of breath, one may call upon our kingdom for support, or may ingest the herb if so guided from within. |
7. FREEDOM Herb: Lobelia
8. DIVINE UNION Herb: Evening Primrose
9. UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS Herb: Angelica Angelica assists ascending initiates in the redistribution of resources upon a biological level so that all cells receive enough sugar, water and oxygen to subsist; along with the amino acids, lipids or minerals required to transmute to the crystalline form. In essence, Angelica assists initiates in embodying unity consciousness biology. If one is having difficulty with certain cells embracing the unity blueprint, one may call upon our kingdom; or ingest the herb is one is so guided from within. |
11. JURISDICTION Herb: Red Clover
12. HOPE Herb: Skullcap
13. PEACE Herb: Chaparral
14. ABUNDANCE Herb: Comfrey
Comfrey assists in the balance of chi and electrolytes required in the form any given day, week or month of ascension. Upon an energetic level, Comfrey assists in assuring that there is chi running through all channels, and will assist in unblocking unstuck meridians. Upon a biological level, Comfrey assures that there are the proper salts in the system to assure adequate lubrication and non-dehydration. If one finds oneself lacking in chi, call upon our kingdom, or take the herb if guided from within. |
15. PROSPERITY Herb: Urva Ursi
16. MAGNITUDE Herb: Yarrow
Yarrow assists ascending initiates in anchoring the ascension blueprint for the entire form from one's ancient red ancestry. Each initiate has a history in one's ancestry of a crystalline form; it is the purpose of yarrow to assist in uncovering and decoding this blueprint making it available to those who are ascending at this time in history. If one is having difficulty with one's overall ascension grid work, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb is so called from within. |
17. INTUITION Herb: Horse Chestnut
Horse Chestnut assists ascending initiates in opening to the dreamtime realities that surround oneself. Upon a biological level, such an opening is created through a particular set of nodes upon the pituitary gland which as they develop, augment one's sensory perception. One may call upon our kingdom to support the opening to the nonphysical realities, or one may ingest the herb to support the development of this particular part of the brain in ascension. |
19. PERSEVERANCE Herb: Vitex
Vitex assists initiates in pushing forward in the continuous biological transmutation process of ascension. Ascension requires a certain stamina that is cellular and physical, and vitex will assist in revitalizing the system so that one does not cease moving forward in any given phase of ascension. Upon an emotional level, Vitex will assist in the reparation of the will centers including the will to ascend. Call upon our kingdom if one feels that they have lost the will to live, or ingest the herb if so guided from within. |
20. STEALTH Herb: Astragalus
21. CONSCIOUSNESS Herb: Devil's Claw
Devil's Claw assists ascending initiates in awakening non-crystalline cells so that they may ascend into a new blueprint. In a sense, our kingdom supports the return of consciousness that is cellular and biological in nature to all ascending species at this time in history. If one is having difficulty ascending a particular part of the form, call upon our species for support, or ingest the herb as one is so guided from within. |
22. INTERNAL Herb: Bloodroot
23. EXTERNAL Herb: Oregon Grape Root Oregon Grape Root assists in balancing the busy outer activities with the internal need to spiritual quest upon the path of ascension. Upon a biological level, Oregon Grape Root assists in the metabolism of oxygen into all cells, but in particular into the nervous system and brain. Oxygen deprivation is one manner that humanity lost consciousness long ago; and therefore it is our species purpose to assist in the assiLilliyation and transportation of oxygen to all parts of the ascending body. If one feels oxygen deprived or in other terms tired, or mentally drained, call upon our kingdoms or ingest the herb if so called from within. |
ONENESS Herb: Lady's Slipper
25. TRUTH Herb: Corydalis
26. ACTION Herb: Blue Cohosh
27. FLUIDITY Herb: Aloe Vera
28. PURPOSE Herb: Shepherd's Purse
29. INTEGRITY Herb: Burdock
30. BALANCE Herb: Milk Thistle
31. HONOR Herb: Chickweed
Chickweed will assist initiates in learning to honor oneself and all others in the dance of life. Upon a biological level, chickweed assists the ascending form coming to a state of biological honor, in which each cell, each gland, each organ and each system receives what is required to be sustained and continue to ascend. If one finds that portions of the form are deprived, call upon our kingdom for support, or ingest the herb if so guided from within. |
32. DREAM Herb: Horsetail
33. ILLUSION Herb: Poke Root
34. PASSION Herb: Passion Flower
35. CREATIVITY Herb: Mothers Wort (Bell Wort)
36. SEXUAL ENERGY Herb: Wild Yam
37. FRIENDSHIP Herb: Cascara Sagrada
38. COMMUNION Herb: Sorrel Sorrel will assist initiates in learning to commune with soul, earth and nature for guidance and healing. Upon a biological level, Sorrel assists with cellular communication. There is an intricate modality of cellular communication that is biochemical in nature. Such biochemical communication develops and is managed by the thymus and pituitary glands, and includes messages to increase or decrease the metabolism along with when to produce more blood cells or varying kinds, along with a host of chemistry required for neural function along with limbic function. If one is having difficulty with communication upon a biological level, call upon our kingdom for support or ingest the herb if so guided from within. |
39. DANCE OF LIFE Herb: Valerian Root
40. COMMUNITY Herb: Black Cohosh Black Cohosh will assist humans in supporting the greater good of the whole in attempting to build community with one another. Upon a biological level, Black Cohosh assists with all parts of the form sustaining their particular function in contribution to the whole, plus the orchestration of the whole into a symbiotic set of relationships that sustain the life and health and well being of the ascending form. If one finds oneself ascending into disease, call upon our kingdom and ingest the herb if one is so called from within. |
41. HONESTY Herb: Alum Root (Alumstone) Alum Root will assist initiates in honest communication without pretenses or masks, and in learning to love oneself as one is in the moment. Upon a biological level, Alum Root assists in the dismantling of old systems and the movement into new systems that support the form in entering the regenerative paradigm. Alum Root is directly involved in the new systems, such as the Joy Hormonal system development in ascending forms. If one is having difficulty with the new systems, organs and glands manifesting in ascension, call upon our kingdom or ingest the herb if guided from within. |
43. UNSEEN WORLDS Herb: Cramp Bark
Cramp Bark will assist initiates in opening to communicate with the unseen worlds around oneself. Upon a biological level, Cramp Bark assists with the regeneration of the reproductive systems which evolve to produced many new hormones necessary to regenerate the cellular structure and youth the form. If one finds oneself aging rather than de-aging in ascension, call upon our kingdom for support or take the herb if so guided from within. |
44. UNSPOKEN WORLDS Herb: Datura
Datura assists initiates in translating one's current language into the language of light so that all species may understand oneself. Upon a biological level, Datura assists in the development of command hormones that instruct the various systems within the form to a more greatly refined degree necessary for a regenerative biology. If one is having difficulty with a particular system within the ascending biology of the form, call upon our kingdom for assistance, or take the herb if so guided from within. |
THE LAND Herb: Echinacea
47. HUMAN SPECIES Herb: Golden Seal
48. GOD/GODDESS/ALL THAT IS Herb: St. John's Wort
Saint John's Wort assists humans in understanding their role as god goddess in form, and in the greater dance as a member of the consensus known as earth. In essence, St. John's Wort assists humans in finding their truth in relationship to all other species upon earth, and in releasing inter-species karma that one may have acquired over time and in one's history and ancestry. If one finds it difficult to commune with other species, then call upon our kingdom for support, or ingest the herb if guided from within. |
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Dual Tones 49-70 | Dual Tones 71-80 | Dual Tones 81-96 | Dual Tone and Herbs | Dual Tones and Minerals
Tri Tones 97-112 | Tri Tones 113-136 | Tri Tones and Herbs | More Tri Tones and Herbs | How to Utilize
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