Dual Tones 49-70
Symbols through Lilliya
and Text through Thomas Weber, "Oasantar"
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #1 Forgiveness and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #49 UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS
Unconditional Forgiveness brings forth the essence of God/Goddess/All That Is in relation to being in a state of allowance. This creation vibration is the ability to embrace all as one expanding into itself. As this vibration becomes inherent in the energy pattern, all passes through without the need to cling or blend or manipulate; simply allowed in its existence seeking to expand.
Nature: Completion
Glyphs #4 Compassion and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #50 UNCONDITIONAL COMPASSION
Unconditional Compassion is a completion tone that unifies tones 4049 into a singular vibration of unconditional compassion. Unconditional Compassion is the aspect of God/Goddess/All That Is that provides a clearing or opening for creation as the needs of all are sensed and can be provided for through the application of this vibration. This vibration is wholeness in the ability to touch or work with the creation vibrations in expansion and completion stemming from the unending desire to create, to expand, to evolve.
Non-Conditional Love
Nature: Active
Glyphs #6 Non-Conditional Love and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #51 OMNIPRESENT LOVE
Omnipresent Love seeks to open expansion in new and different directions, combining itself with other creation tones, pushing outward beyond the known. This tone expands the magnitude of other tones so that they become as fire within their expression: clearing, purifying, transitioning and transmuting. Any expression combined with Omnipresent Love has no stopping point of measure, only direction unimpeded.
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #11 Jurisdiction and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #52 OMNIPRESENT JURISDICTION
Omnipresent Jurisdiction is the tone of creation guidance that forms and contains an expression of its magnificence in the blending of itself with other creation tones. Direction, agenda and dispensation for the implementation of the divine plan are aspects of Omnipresent Jurisdiction. This tone orchestrates evolution by dispensing (as needed) the molding or modulating vibrations that allow creation an ordered expansion.
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #20 Stealth and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #53 UNCONDITIONAL STEALTH
Unconditional Stealth is the strength and stamina behind any creation that allows for unity of purpose and direction in all areas of union between creators. The tone is integrative, uniting all who choose to dance together in common purpose in the act of creation. The act of creation is not determined by the size but by its magnitude of purpose. Magnitude of purpose in unity consciousness is determined by the vibration of honor. Honor underlies stealth in relation to all aspects of the act of creation.
Nature: Active
Glyphs #29 Integrity and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #54 UNCONDITIONAL INTEGRITY
Unconditional Integrity is the vibration and tone that actively causes the vibration of integrity to be integrated into all acts of creation. In integrity, honor is reflected in all relations within a given creation. Therefore, integrity is a necessary ingredient to sustain honor in any act of creation. Integrity brings forth honest communication in all interactions. Honesty is necessary for a creation to sustain honor, for honesty allows all aspects of expression to be seen with nothing veiled or hidden. As all aspects of a creation are seen, then all aspects can effortlessly be brought into alignment for the purpose of evolution.
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #3 Power and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #55 UNCONDITIONAL LIFE FORCE
Unconditional Life Force is the vibration or tone that fuels all aspects of creation which are viewed as equal and therefore worthy of as much creative force necessary to sustain and allow for the evolution and continued expansion or ascension of all life forms. The tone of Unconditional Life Force will draw the necessary chi into ones creation to sustain it, the additional chi necessary to evolve it, or supply the necessary fuel to bring a new creation into manifestation.
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #16 Magnitude and #48 God/Goddess/All That Is unite to become #56 UNCONDITIONAL MAGNITUDE
Unconditional Magnitude is the tone that allows for stealth, integrity and life force to be united to bring forth the magnitude of a creation. Magnitude is synonymous with the word magnificence. Magnificence is experienced as all aspects of any creation are brought into absolute alignment with the divine plan of All That Is and the evolutionary pathway of ascension. Magnitude unites all aspects of any creation with the common purpose of evolution.
Divine Union
Prosperity#57 BOUNTY
Nature: Active
Glyphs #8 Divine Union and #15 Prosperity unite to become #57 BOUNTY
Bounty is the abundance that occurs as unconditional magnitude is present within any creation. Bounty comes from all aspects of a creation receiving adequate care, nurturing, attention, love and chi. As all aspects of a creation receive adequate care, all aspects can evolve and ultimately ascend. Bounty ensures that all necessary nutrients are available for the evolution of the segments of a creation, thus also ensuring the overall evolution of the creation at large.
Communication#58 SERVICE
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #31 Honor and #42 Communication unite to become #58 SERVICE
Service is the understanding that all aspects of a creation are in service to the overall purpose of a creation. Each part contributes its gifts and talents to the greater good of the whole. Each contribution is unique and fulfills a particular aspect of creation. Service implies that each aspect gives fully of itself for the greater benefit of the whole, without limitation and without measure. As each segment contributes in an unlimited manner, the maintenance and evolution of the whole of any creation is assured.
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #4 Compassion and #38 Communion unite to become #59 UNCONDITIONAL UNION
Unconditional Union is the tone that sustains union between the creator and the creation in a constant dance and exchange of energy. As the creator dances with the creation, unconditional union amplifies the chi, thus sustaining the creation and fueling it for further evolution and ascension. Unconditional Union allows for constant communication between the creator and creation, thus allowing for the experience of the creator directing the creation through each step of evolution.
Unity Consciousness
Nature: Completion
Glyphs #9 Unity Consciousness and #40 Community unite to become #60 UNCONDITIONAL COMMUNITY
Unconditional Community is a completion tone which allows tones 5059 to become unified into the single tone of Unconditional Community. Unconditional Community allows for multiple creations to stand side by side in a state of unconditional union together. Unconditional Community allows for multiple creators and creations to dance under the umbrella of a common purpose in order to evolve or ascend together.
Breath of Life
Passion#61 FORTITUDE
Nature: Active
Glyphs #5 Breath of Life and #34 Passion unite to become #61 FORTITUDE
Fortitude is the tone that amplifies truth, unity and perseverance in a manner so that the chi behind ones manifestation or creation is enhanced. Creation requires energy to sustain it and a boost of chi or energy to create the momentum necessary to evolve and ascend. It is through the tone of Fortitude that the momentum for evolution and ascension is sustained both within the individual and the group by continually amplifying the energy behind the creation.
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #4 Compassion and #25 Truth unite to become #62 UNITY-BASED TRUTH
Unity-Based Truth defines and sets boundaries on the truth in any given creation. Truth can be likened to a segment of vibrations that brings forth a particular experience in a creation. In Unity-Based Truth, only those vibrations of truth that are inherently resonant with one another are allowed. Unity is the result of resonance, common purpose and design. The Unity-Based Truth tone brings forth resonance, common purpose and design within any creation.
Breath of Life
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #5 Breath of Life and #25 Truth unite to become #63 EVOLUTION
Evolution is the tone that pushes the individual or group forward on the path and journey towards ascension. The tone of Evolution will cause outworn ways of being to be cast off, allowing for the next segment of information in the process of ascension to be brought forth. Within the group, the tone of Evolution will sometimes cause those who are holding back the next phase of ascension to be cast off, thus allowing the group to rise again in vibration as a whole.
Nature: Active
Glyphs #32 Dream and #3 Power unite to become #64 REGION OF DOMAIN
Domain or Region of Dominion is the tone that contains a creation based on the principles of fortitude, unity-based truth and evolution. In the process of evolution, creations are continually molded to bring forth the next upward leap in vibration. This molding brings forth each changing phase of energetic dynamics in both the individual and in a group. These energetic changes create a domain in which each member of the group or soul in an embodiment is contained.
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #22 Internal and #7 Freedom unite to become #65 BEINGNESS or I AM THAT I AM
I Am That I Am is the tone that allows each part of a given creation along with the creation at large to be as it is in the moment. It is through the process of allowance that surrender is accomplished. Surrender is the act of relinquishing ones ego-based desires unto the greater purpose of soul. Deeper and deeper states of surrender occur a little at a time in the evolutionary process of either an individual or a group. The deeper the commitment and surrender to soul, the deeper one moves into a state of total allowance or acceptance of All That Is.
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #23 External and #2 Structure unite to become #66 UNITY-BASED RELATIONS
Unity-Based Relations is the tone that brings forth allowance between individuals or between groups. As each individual or group allows all other individuals or groups their particular dance, expression and experience, unity is sustained within the relations therein. Unity within a group requires each member to embody the tone I Am That I Am so that total acceptance of one another is sustained. It is only in total acceptance and allowance of all experiences of another that unity relations within a group are mastered.
Intuition#67 JOURNEY
Nature: Active
Glyphs #18 Function and #17 Intuition unite to become #67 JOURNEY
Journey is the particular truth that any individual or group has chosen to explore in the experience of evolution. Much like spokes on the wheel, each truth can be likened to an individual spoke. It requires all spokes to make up the entire wheel, and each unique expression of truth is necessary to sustain the whole of any creation. Each truth creates a unique experience in the process of evolution or ascension that contributes to the overall journey of the group. Each group creates a unique experience in the process of evolution or ascension that contributes to the overall journey of all groups.
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #2 Structure and #25 Truth unite to become #68 MAP or PATHWAY FOR EVOLUTION
Map or Pathway For Evolution is the tone that continuously aligns ones journey to ones particular truth. There are many potential paths one can take upon any given day. Not all paths are in alignment with ones truth. Invoking the tone of Map will align each step of ones journey to the particular truth they are on Earth to experience. Invoking the Map tone within a group aligns the entire group to the unique set of Truths the group has chosen to experience.
Perseverance#69 ENLIGHTENMENT
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #35 Creativity and #19 Perseverance unite to become #69 ENLIGHTENMENT
Enlightenment is the tone that brings forth a continuous lightening up or rise upward in vibration either in the individual or within a group. Enlightenment invokes a releasing of any and all vibrations that are the most dense within the truth the individual or group embodies. This release can be likened to shedding a winter coat as the warmer weather of spring approaches. As each segment of the most dense vibrations are released, the natural outcome is a rise in vibration or ascension.
Nature: Completion
Glyphs #24 Oneness and #25 Truth unite to become #70 ASCENSION
Ascension is the completion tone that combines tones 6170 into the single tone known as Ascension. The tone of Ascension stabilizes either the individual or group into the domain of the next higher vibration accomplished. It is in the moment of completion of each segment of initiations, whether they be of the individual or the group, that one is in-between the in-breath and out-breath of any creation. It is in this moment when one stabilizes before moving forth into the next steps in ones evolution.
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