Language of Light
Dual Tones and Herbs
The Herb Kingdom through Lilliya
December 6, 2008
for Herbal Tinctures and Oils hand made by our associates
Dear Beloved Ascending Human,
The herb kingdom has explored many supportive herbs for ascension. Herbs fell down the dimensions in interesting pathways. Long ago and what was a single herb has fallen over time into three to six herbs. The the Tri-Tone Herb section, we explored combining six or more single tone language of light herbs together to support the ascending biological systems. When combined, the herbs emulated the biochemistry of a single herb that fell into multiple herbs over time and in the many falls in consciousness upon earth. (See Single Tones and Herbs and Tri Tones and Herbs a for more information.)
The herb kingdom is retrieving our records of earlier biology that held much more complex biochemistry to ascend into at this time. Human also lost biochemical records into our kingdom and often it is only through combining all six or more tri-tone herbs that one then has all the nutrients necessary to reconstruct crystalline biological systems. This is the import of working with herbal tinctures in ascension; as if one does not, one may not create a complete ascension. If certain organs, glands or systems are unable to ascend due to missing nutrients, then they can become diseased or compromised over time. Therefore it is important from our point of view to give the body the herbs it requires each phase of ascension ahead.
There are also other herbs that are not mentioned here and used in Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine that may hold genetic records from earlier time periods that are not associated with Lilliya's ancestry. Therefore the herbal kingdom suggests that initiates research all herbs available and ingest those that hold information and that you muscle test are helpful to constructing a complete ascension in this lifetime for your specific ancestry. We have also generated a list of 18 additional Chinese herbs that are useful mostly to aid in the energy flow through the meridian system or field. (See Chinese Herbs for Ascension for more information.)
Long ago Lilliya were purists and did not give the body the herbs they required. This delayed their ascension to a certain extent and prolonged the possibility of ascending into disease. They have long since reversed their position and now take an herbal cocktail of whatever the body requires and generally every few nights and as they muscle test necessary to their continued ascent, or to address problematic areas of their ascending biology. Lilliya are continuing to ascend into a yet earlier biology that their ancestors understood. Sometimes portions of the biology struggle to find a blueprint that is held in health. The dual tone herbs offered in this section have been useful for map carving pathways into healthier structures in Lilliya's personal experience and may be useful to others who are ascending as well.
Lilliya have learned that herbs are better combined; and much as in Ayurvedic thinking, one herb's side effects are cancelled by another. But more importantly, the combinations recreate substances that once occurred in a single herb long ago that absorbed their ancestor's genetic blueprint as they fell in consciousness. Therefore in recreating the original herb by combining all the herbs that the original fell into, they assure that they have all the nutrients necessary to continue to ascend into health ahead.
Dual tone herbs never fell as far as single tone herbs and are in essence more complex in biochemistry as they grow in present time. You can think of herbs as falling down the dimensions just as humans fell. Some diversified into a more simple set of substances and tones and yet others did not fall quite as far and continue to hold within their biology more complex combinations of substances. Each of the dual tone herbs holds two tones of creation in a single herb and are crystalline in structure. Such herbs did not lose their crystalline information and as such are helpful to those humans who are proceeding on into integrating dual tone concepts of the language of light in your personal ascension, and taking the biology to another level of consciousness related to Bodhisattva level evolution or beyond.
Not all dual tones are listed as herbs at this time. Some dual tones are more associated with energetic movements than biological systems. Therefore only those dual tones that are related to biological systems are listed. The herb kingdom also suggests that initiates devoted to your inner journey of ascension work with the Complete Ascension Workbook II, as it is designed by the Earth Mother to support the release of the fear based emotional patterns within one's inheritance and the integration of all dual tone concepts.
We hope that you find this supportive of your continued evolutionary pathway.
The Herb Kingdom
All That Is
Dual Tone 53 — Unconditional Stealth
American Ginseng root is known to support the adrenal glands in ascension. The crystalline adrenal hormone is what sustains consciousness in the physical or in other terms energizes the biological dream into the waking moments of the life expression. Often tiredness is associated with adrenal exhaustion and this can also occur amongst ascending humans. Ginseng provides three substances that aid the body in creating additional adrenal hormone as needed. Adrenal exhaustion often occurs due the stress to ascend. Ascension stress is related to the emotions one may be processing from earlier life traumas or ancestral life traumas. Ginseng causes the digestive system to spin to allow for easier digestion of one's spiritual life lessons. Ginseng is a good daily tonic for most ascending humans as a result.
All That Is
Dual Tone 54 — Unconditional Integrity
Usnea is a form of moss that grows upon trees in moist damp climates. Usnea assists the body in causing all parts of the biology to ascend into the crystalline form. Usnea holds specific substances that help the body identify deeply wounded pockets of cells that are scarred so that they can be transformed in the act of biological ascension. As the wounds heal a greater level of biological integrity is restored to the entire organ gland or system.
All That Is
Dual Tone 55 — Unconditional Life Force
Eleuthero root which is also known as Siberian Ginseng also helps to sustain consciousness although it has a different purpose in relation to crystalline biology than American Ginseng. Eleuthero aids the metabolism hormones related to the thyroid and pancreas to remain in balance together. Too much insulin leads to low blood sugar syndromes; too little leads to diabetic symptoms. To much thyroid causes nervous tension and then the body burns off too much fat leading to a form that struggles to retain its vibration; and too little thyroid leads to tiredness or cellular exhaustion along with excessive weight gain. This herb helps to balance just the right amounts of metabolic hormones to retain consciousness and live one's life dream along with constructing the best body size and fat ratios to hold one's ascending vibration.
All That Is
Dual Tone 56 — Unconditional Magnitude
Buchu is an antimicrobial herb from South Africa that helps to balance the water and salt ratios within the ascending biology. If there is too much water there is bloating and Buchu acts as a diuretic that helps to release excessive fluids. If there is too little water and a state of dehydration, Buchu helps to retain more salts out of the diet so that the cells store more fluids. You will notice that crystalline herbs act on either side of a given polarity to help bring the body to a greater level of balance. Buchu will also trigger the desire to eat more or fewer salty foods sources as needed to sustain the proper balance of fluids within the crystalline biology.
Dual Tone 59 — Unconditional Union
Ashwagandha is an herb from India that in ascension helps balance the reproductive hormones and align them with the regeneration hormones of the crystalline biology. Reproductive hormones flow with the moon cycles and cause the biological cycles of ascension to align each month in any calendar year to assure that all parts of the body are regenerated and ascended. There are cycles of ascension and if one moves out of the cycle, certain organs glands or systems may be skipped over and lag behind the rest in the vibration of the form leading to disease over time. Ashwagandha will aid in identifying what organs glands or systems are lagging behind in one's ascension so that they can be brought into a more current genetic blueprint and hold a common vibration with all of the biology..
Breath of Life
Dual Tone 61 — Fortitude
Maca is a South American plant that is useful to consume to sustain cellular metabolism within crystalline structures. Cells must ingest a certain amount of sugar and oxygen received through the blood in order to sustain their existence and regenerate. If not enough sugar or oxygen is received, cells begin to wither and die and then have to be replaced rather than regenerated. It is far easier for the body to regenerate cells than replace them as this requires less life force and nutrients. Maca therefore aids in cellular regeneration by helping each cell receive enough of what it requires to subsist.
Breath of Life
Dual Tone 63 — Evolution
Damiana is a South American plant that is considered an aphrodisiac. This herb helps to stimulate the crystalline prostate gland in males and ovaries in females to produce the hormones necessary to maintain one's sexual and regeneration cycles. In crystalline biology, the female sexual glands produces hormones that shut off egg production and menses when one chooses not to have children. The uterus does not atrophy as in menopause but simply ceases to be fertile or have its cycles except once per year and for the purposes of cleansing the region. Damiana is useful in integrating this into the physical. In the male and female Damiana stimulates the production of sexual hormones to retain a healthy sexual appetite. Sexual stimulation and orgasms help to stimulate the entire nervous system by running algorithms that energize all organs, glands and systems; and also enhances the flow of chi throughout all meridians. Sexuality was designed to be something to engage with out of love and also to sustain one's life, dream and health. Damiana has records of a time that sexuality was exchanged in the human species and out of love rather than lust and so is a good herb to clear one's karmic patterns associated with lust as well.
Dual Tone 65 — I AM THAT I AM
Kava Kava is a plant that is found in Hawaii that is considered a mild sedative. Kava Kava can be taken as a tea, added to cocktails or ingested as a tincture. Kava Kava is so popular in Hawaii there are actual Kava Kava bars in the islands. Kava Kava causes the pituitary gland to release two hormones that relaxes the nervous system so that the stresses of the ascension more easily release; and one is more likely to create a good night's sleep and recasting in the dream time ascension healing temples. The hormones released in the ingestion of Kava Kava to induce sleep resemble a large dose of alcoholic substance and causes the body to cease to retain consciousness. Kava Kava is therefore best ingested before retiring.
Dual Tone 69 — Enlightenment
California Poppy is an flower that grows in the wild in California and is used often for its sedative effects and to relieve stress. In ascending biochemistry, California Poppy causes the pituitary gland to release ascension related hormones to allow for all parts of the body to receive the necessary genetic modifications as flowing from one's oversoul and ancestors. This herb stimulates the pituitary also to balance the hormones with those produced by the Thymus gland so that all instructions for ascension are relayed to the associated part of the biology. In crystalline biology, the Thymus gland becomes a master gland that monitors ascension along with regeneration and receives the instructions from the pituitary gland via special ascension hormones that are released through ducts down the back of the neck.
Dual Tone 70 — Evolution
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit that also grows in Hawaii. The skin of this fruit is the powerful medicine and can be tinctured easily or purchased in powdered form or as juice. Mangosteen identifies the parts of the body that are failing to become crystalline so that genetics can be acquired so that the region can ascend. Often Anu slave DNA is the most difficult to transmute and requires a molecular and sub atomic restructuring in order for the associated region to ascend. Mangosteen aids the body in restructuring at a molecular level so that the cellular ascension can then come forth.
Dual Tone 78 — Unlimited Expansion
Pau D'Arco is from a bark of a tree in the Amazonian rainforest. For ascending humans, this herb causes the next layer of genetic information that one is to ascend into ahead to become known through one's own cellular records. This herb also aids those cells that struggle to release their records due to personal or ancestral trauma to do so in order to cause the new genetic information to take hold through the continued ascent. Pau D'Arco helps initiates create a thorough and complete ascension.
Unseen Worlds
Unspoken Worlds
Dual Tone 85 — Creation
Dong Quai is an herb found in China and has been used for thousands of years. In crystalline biology, Dong Quai helps to stimulate the thymus gland to produce all levels of hormones necessary to support and sustain regeneration. Regeneration is an act of preservation. Cells that are going into distortion are identified and repaired. Hormones are used to relay information between the cells and the thymus gland to know what nutrients are necessary in the repair. Then yet other hormones trigger the delivery of the nutrients from fat storage deposits nearby the associated regions. Dong Quai assists in building increasingly capable levels of biological regeneration in the continued ascent. The more of the cellular structure that can regenerate, the easier the ascension ahead as the body can then focus upon those regions that are scarred and decayed rather than growing new cells to replace those failing to regenerate.
Unseen Worlds
Dual Tone 90 — One World
Pipssisewa is a North American plant used by Natives for hundreds of years. For ascending humans Pipissewa helps to gather biological records from earlier times in one's inheritance to trigger ascension into a healthy set of DNA. There is no point to ascending into diseased genetics due to fission or nuclear annihilation or other ailments in one's inheritance. Pipsissewa aids in recovering records that allow for the best possible DNA that holds the greatest possibility of health to be ascended into.
Unspoken Worlds
Dual Tone 92 — One Universe
Schizandra berries are a fruit found in China. This fruit supports the overall ascension journey by helping to integrate a working relationship between all biological organs, glands and systems. Those organs glands or systems cut off for whatever reason from the whole are aided in receiving a new blueprint that causes all parts of the biology to work together towards the common goal of health and well being. This is unity biology in action and the schizandra berry aids in ascending into such a state of being in the physical.
God Goddess
Dual Tone 94 — All That Is
Goji berries are a popular fruit found in the Himalayas. Goji Berries allow the unseen worlds of the ancestors, herbal kingdom or other kingdoms to communicate more clearly with one's body spirit. The body spirit is the consciousness that directs the ascension of the one's form. Communication between the nonphysical and body spirit is helpful so that the herbal kingdom can provide the healing and insights to support a complete ascension into health and well being rather than disease. Goji berries create a conduit between the natural world and all that the natural world is learning about ascension and the human dream so that there is also a sharing of knowledge that spans all kingdoms. Sometimes the answers to troubles in ascension are resolved by nature and then can be shared in this communication; sometimes the answers to nature's troubles are resolved by human map carvers and then can be shared with nature. The two way communication aids the whole in mapping the ascension ahead and this the goji berry helps sustain.
God Goddess
God Goddess
Dual Tone 95 — Infinite
Maitake Mushrooms are useful unto ascending biology in creating sweet molecular music and drawing unto oneself a sweet body level dream that ascends into health and well being rather than disease. Maitake mushrooms also host a load of genetic information lost of the crystalline brain of the Grand Masters and the hormones associated with ascension that are formulated in the pituitary gland. The crystalline brain forms additional layers of gray matter and creates a different biochemistry that learns new algorithms associated with Language of ONE thought-form. Ascending therefore into oneness consciousness is supported by the Maitake Mushroom Kingdom.
HOME | Language of Light | Single Tones | Single Tones and Minerals | Single Tones and Herbs | Single Tones and Essential Oils
Dual Tones 49-70 | Dual Tones 71-80 | Dual Tones 81-96 | Dual Tone and Herbs | Dual Tones and Minerals
Tri Tones 97-112 | Tri Tones 113-136 | Tri Tones and Herbs | More Tri Tones and Herbs | How to Utilize