Dual Tones 71-80

Symbols through Lilliya and Text through Thomas Weber, "Oasantar"

God Goddess All That Is

Nature: Active
Glyphs #28 Purpose and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become #71 UNCONDITIONAL PURPOSE
Unconditional Purpose is the alignment of one's personal purpose with the greater good of the whole and the divine plan of All That Is. Alignment narrows the possibilities for ones life experience to ensure that one's soul purpose is fulfilled upon, and one's path of ascension is also fulfilled upon.

God Goddess All That Is
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #25 Truth and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become #72 UNCONDITIONAL TRUTH
Unconditional Truth is the alignment of one's truth with the greater truth of All That Is. In such a state of alignment, one's truth resonates with all other truth within the divine dance of creation. Unconditional truth also allows all other expressions of truth within the divine dance in the greater understanding that all expressions are necessary to the whole of creation.

Non-Conditional Governance
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #10 Non-Conditional Governance and #29 Integrity unite to become #73 UNCONDITIONAL SERVICE
Unconditional Service is service that acts out of the divine plan of All That Is and the greater good of the whole of the purpose of creation. Unconditional Service understands that ones existence is in service to the whole, and therefore all acts must serve the whole in some manner. Unconditional Service also sustains the responsibility that each part of a creation has to sustaining the whole to ensure a smooth running creation.

God Goddess All That Is
Nature: Active
Glyphs #12 Hope and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become #74 UNCONDITIONAL HOPE
Unconditional Hope is the vibration that ensures an ongoing expansion or ascension of ones field. The vibration of unconditional hope pushes outward into new areas of creation previously unexplored. Unconditional Hope has one continually move forth within one's evolutionary process, continually expanding into new horizons previously unknown.

Breath of Life
God Goddess All That Is
Nature: Passive
Glyphs #5 Breath of Life and #48 God Goddess All That Is unite to become #75 UNCONDITIONAL DANCE OF LIFE
Unconditional Dance of Life is the vibration that creates an exchange of energies between parties within any given creation. Such an exchange of energies result in an ongoing giving and receiving that enhances the energies available to all. The Dance of Life amplifies chi within the act of giving and receiving.

Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #35 Creativity and #16 Magnitude unite to become #76 UNLIMITED SELF EXPRESSION
Unlimited Self Expression is the vibration that allows for truth to be expressed within the dance of life. Each truth is unique, and has a unique expression as manifested within a creation. Each expression is allowed in full in the greater understanding that it serves the greater good of the whole. Each expression sustains a particularly area of service work necessary to the smooth running of the creation.

Divine Union
Nature: Active
Glyphs #8 Divine Union and #38 Communion unite to become #77 UNLIMITED JOY
Unlimited Joy is the tone that underlies the dance of life and unlimited self-expression. As the dance of giving and receiving is acted out of joy, the fields of all concerned expand in the exchange. As all self-expression within the dance of life is sustained in joy, harmony, unity and oneness within the creation become possible.

Nature: Passive
Glyphs #3 Power and #16 Magnitude unite to become #78 UNLIMITED EXPANSION
Unlimited Expansion is the tone that follows the experience of unlimited joy. As all exchanges within the dance of life are based upon joy, Unlimited Expansion or ascension occurs. Expansion and ascension are related, but not the same. Expansion brings forth the steps that lead to ascension. Expansion causes one to push their field into areas that one's field had previously not extended into, triggering the necessary lessons that result in ascension.

Underwater Worlds
Land Based Worlds
Nature: Integrative
Glyphs #45 Underwater Worlds and #46 Unity of All Species unite to become #79 UNITY OF ALL SPECIES
Unity of All Species occurs as all species embody unlimited expansion, unlimited joy, and unlimited self-expression within the dance of life. As this occurs, all species are allowed their unique truth and dance upon all planes of reality within a creation. As all species are allowed their truth, all species are also accepted and honored for their unique gift or contribution in service to the whole.

Unity Conscious-ness
Non-conditional Governance
Nature: Completion
Glyphs #9 Unity Consciousness and #10 Non-conditional Governance unite to become #80 COMMUNION OF ALL SPECIES
Communion of All Species is a completion tone and therefore holds a combination of all tones 71 through 80 within it. Communion of All Species is the tone that allows all species to live in an ongoing state of communion with one another. When all exist in joy and expansion, communion follows. Communion is a state in which each species is united with the other in an ongoing dance of giving and receiving of energies. The ongoing dance creates the experience of unity, oneness, and belonging within each component of the whole.

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Dual Tones 49-70 | Dual Tones 71-80 Dual Tones 81-96 | Dual Tone and Herbs Dual Tones and Minerals

Tri Tones 97-112 | Tri Tones 113-136 | Tri Tones and Herbs | More Tri Tones and Herbs | How to Utilize


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